BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:adamgibbons/ics METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:HUlZzYLf3KXKZ3OHKXAKH SUMMARY:I REMEMBER DTSTAMP:20240908T183320Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240512 DESCRIPTION:As a contribution to the commemoration of Yom HaShoah (May 5-6) \, as well as to our local remembrance days: May 10\, the Remembrance Day for the Holocaust Victims in Belgrade\, and April 26\, when we mark 80 yea rs since the Deportation of The Jews of Bačka and Novi Sad to the death ca mps\, Adi Rabinowitz Bedein will hold a lecture in Novi Sad\, on May 12\, at the premises of the Jewish Community of Novi Sad. Adi Rabinowitz Bedein from Jerusalem is a Holocaust educator with many years of experience\, an expert guide at Yad Vashem\, and an international lecturer. Adi holds a B achelor’s degree in Pedagogy and Political Science and a Master in Democra cy Studies from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is the initiator o f the international Network for Innovative Holocaust Education (NIHE). Adi comes from Israel to Serbia at the invitation of Terraforming\, with the support of the Embassy of Israel in Serbia and the international Combat An tisemitism Movement CAM. URL: LOCATION:offline ORGANIZER;CN=Terraforming END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR