BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:adamgibbons/ics METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:iFe3XgO1N8fcbp0P4oebP SUMMARY:ARCHIVIST EXPERT TRAINING DTSTAMP:20250312T012338Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240715 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240717 DESCRIPTION:In partnership with Terraforming\, Intercultural Institute Timi șoara\, and the Arolsen Archives\, EuroClio – European Association of Hist ory Educators is embarking on a new project\, Facts Not Fiction – Young Hi storians Show How to Learn from the Past\, which aims to empower history e ducators and institutions to train interested students and youth groups to develop their own local histories of Nazi persecution.\n\nFor this partic ular event\, we are looking for archivists\, historians\, and other profes sionals who are interested in the Second World War and how it is taught in schools. Those interested in the history of totalitarianism\, the Holocau st memorial\, and mid-20th century histories of migration and persecution should apply. While the project is primarily focused on Nazi persecution\, those with little/no background in education as well as those with experi ence in other related areas of history are also encouraged to submit an ap plication. \n\nWe will cover all expenses related to your travel to/from T he Hague\, including accommodation and subsistence costs. The day of arriv als will be 15 July and the workshop will end on 17 July in the afternoon. Two nights of accommodation will be covered.\n\nPlease send us a letter o f motivation detailing your interest in the project\, including an explana tion of relevant archives and/ or source materials you have worked with. P lease also attach a copy of your CV and send both to secretariat@euroclio. eu before 3 June.\n\nWe will be selecting archivists based on their expert ise and interest in working with young people and digital platforms. Appli cants will be accepted on a rolling basis\, so we encourage you to apply e arly! URL: -fiction/ LOCATION:offline ORGANIZER;CN=EuroClio – European Association of History Educators:MAILTO:se END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR