BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:adamgibbons/ics METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ORHG4RKoBj-feD71Nw3xg SUMMARY:TOUR GUIDES EXPERT TRAINING DTSTAMP:20241018T031227Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240729 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240731 DESCRIPTION:In partnership with Terraforming\, Intercultural Institute Timi șoara\, and the Arolsen Archives\, EuroClio – European Association of Hist ory Educators is embarking on a new project\, Facts Not Fiction – Young Hi storians Show How to Learn from the Past which aims to empower history edu cators and institutions to train interested students and youth groups to d evelop their own local histories of Nazi persecution.\n\nFor this particul ar event\, we are looking for tour guides and other tourist and heritage p rofessionals who are interested in the Second World War and its incorporat ion into historical tourism. Those interested in the history of totalitari anism\, the Holocaust memorial\, and mid-20th century histories of migrati on and persecution should apply. While the project is primarily focused on Nazi persecution\, those with little/no background in the Second World Wa r as well as those with experience in other related areas of history are a lso encouraged to submit an application. For example\, those who have work ed on tours relating to the persecution of the Roma and Sinti or queer and disabled communities by the Nazis/ authoritarian regimes. If your profess ional experience is in a period/ location that is more distinct\, but you still feel that it explores related themes\, please elaborate in your appl ication. \n\nPlease send us a letter of motivation detailing your interest in the project\, including an explanation of relevant archives and/ or so urce materials you have worked with. Please also attach a copy of your CV and send both to before 17 June.\n\nWe will cover all expenses related to your travel to/from The Hague\, including accommo dation and subsistence costs. The day of arrivals will be 29 July and the workshop will end on 31 July in the afternoon. Two nights of accommodation will be covered.\n\nApplicants will be accepted on a rolling basis\, so w e encourage you to apply early! URL: ot-fiction/ LOCATION:offline ORGANIZER;CN=EuroClio – European Association of History Educators & Terrafo rming & Intercultural Institute Timișoara & the Arolsen Archives:MAILTO:se END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR