BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:adamgibbons/ics METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:dy1VWQnWeyqnVC_9E_tdw SUMMARY:Online Seminar for Teachers – Seeking Justice From Nuremberg to The Hague DTSTAMP:20250315T022944Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240918 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240919 DESCRIPTION:A 2-day online seminar that will involve some of the following focus areas:\n\nFoundations of International Justice: This session delves into the historical and philosophical foundations of international justice \, exploring concepts such as the evolution of the notion of justice\, key principles of international law related to justice\, and landmark events or documents that have shaped the modern understanding of justice on a glo bal scale.\n\nThe Nuremberg Trials: Lessons and Legacies: This module focu ses specifically on the Nuremberg Trials as a pivotal moment in the develo pment of international justice. It examines the legal and ethical implicat ions of the trials\, their significance in establishing accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity\, and the lasting impact they have had on subsequent international legal frameworks.\n\nThe International Cr iminal Court (ICC): Structure and Functioning: Here\, students learn about the structure\, mandate\, and jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC). This session would cover the ICC’s role in prosecuting indivi duals for genocide\, war crimes\, crimes against humanity\, and the crime of aggression\, as well as its relationship with national legal systems an d the challenges it faces in fulfilling its mandate.\n\nCase Studies in In ternational Justice: This module involves in-depth analysis of a specific case or trial before international court\, such as the ICC or other ad hoc tribunals (e.g. International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia ). Students examine the factual background\, legal arguments\, and outcome s of selected cases\, considering their broader implications for internati onal law\, transitional justice\, and the pursuit of accountability for ma ss atrocities. URL: rom-nuremberg-to-the-hague/ LOCATION:online ORGANIZER;CN=EuroClio & Education and Development Network for the Evolution of Communication – HERMES END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR