BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:adamgibbons/ics METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:v8H1t8y65Jlcov2gUdaKk SUMMARY:Genealogies of Memory 2023: Pandemics\, famines and industrial disa sters of the 20th and 21st centuries DTSTAMP:20241018T053435Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231122 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231124 DESCRIPTION:How individuals cope with the memory of traumatic large-scale e vents (such as wars\, famines\, pandemics\, natural or industrial disaster s) is of great interest to social sciences such as psychology\, psychotrau matology or sociology. Since the Great War and what was then described as ’shell shock’\, i.e. an individual’s bodily response to trauma – better kn own today as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – the study of trauma h as developed significantly. But how are the memory and reality of dramatic past events experienced and worked through at a collective level\, includ ing those that are direct consequences of armed conflicts or violent revol utions? \nThe aim of the conference – carried out as part of the 13th edit ion of the Genealogies of Memory project – will be an attempt at drawing a ttention to the discourses of memory and non-remembrance of large-scale na tural and human induced disasters in 20th-century Europe. We want to bring to the fore the perspective of diverse social actors – both individual an d collective\, thus thematising the presence of such events in both indivi dual (family)\, regional and collective memory\, for which an important ar ea of expression were changing public narratives (of both authoritarian an d communist\, as well as democratic governments of 20th-century Europe) as well as popular ones\, present particularly in cultural texts (film\, lit erature\, etc.). We are also interested in reflecting on the presence of t his issue in the contemporary public space – material and artistic (monume nts\, memorials\, exhibitions\, etc.) as well as discursive. URL: d-industrial-disasters-of-the-20th-and-21st-centuries LOCATION:hybrid ORGANIZER;CN=European Network Remembrance and Solidarity END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR