BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:adamgibbons/ics METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:83SiOaOrtqY1u0KhezyB8 SUMMARY:Workshops for teachers at the Piteşti Prison Memorial DTSTAMP:20241018T072150Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241009 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241012 DESCRIPTION:We invite teachers from Romania to participate in a series of w orkshops held at the Piteşti Prison Memorial. Admission is free\, but rese rvation is required.\nThese workshops are part of the 'Sound in the Silenc e' project—an intercultural remembrance initiative for secondary school st udents organized by the ENRS since 2011.\n\nProgramme:\n\n9 October – EDUC ATIONAL RESOURCES\nLed by Joanna Orłoś\, Head of ENRS Project Department\, this session will introduce free educational materials from the Hi-Story Lessons platform\, including infographics\, lesson plans\, and animations. Teachers will explore how to integrate these resources into their classro oms\, with a focus on visual methods for addressing challenging historical topics like World War II. The workshop also covers disinformation\, memor y conflicts\, and tools for verifying news authenticity.\n\n10 October – R ESTORATIVE DIALOGUE AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION\nBarbara Walshe\, Expert in th e ENRS Project Department\, will guide this interactive workshop on confli ct management. Participants will learn about conflict styles\, mediation\, restorative justice\, and the restorative circle method\, applicable to s tudent\, family\, and work situations. The session will encourage reflecti on and experiential learning\, with ample time for discussion and sharing experiences.\n\n11–12 October – METHODOLOGY OF EXPLORING THE PAST: TRANSGE NERATIONAL TRAUMA\, POST-TRAUMATIC AMNESIA\, POSTMEMORY\nLed by Ioana Hașu -Georgiev\, this block explores trauma passed down through generations. Th e first session focuses on postmemory and transgenerational trauma from ev ents like the World Wars and Communism\, using case studies and personal s urvivor accounts. The second session introduces interactive methods for te aching about Communism\, with insights from Romania’s secret police archiv es. Participants will learn to approach documents as historical artifacts and use oral history techniques to uncover overlooked voices.\n\nFor more information\, visit our website. URL: open LOCATION:offline ORGANIZER;CN=European Network Remembrance and Solidarity END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR