BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:adamgibbons/ics METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:KUQbc_RiUDNL1Cvos6iXW SUMMARY:β€œThe Light Comes from the West!” The Politics of Eastern European M igration during the Cold War DTSTAMP:20250314T041844Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231010 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231012 DESCRIPTION:The lives of the citizens of the Soviet bloc countries were lar gely determined by imposed isolation from the rapidly modernising democrat ic Western world and radical restrictions on the free circulation of cultu ral goods and other commodities\, as well as foreign travel. This was moti vated\, above all\, by the ideological\, economic and cultural divide symb olised by the Iron Curtain and the fear on the part of the communist autho rities that the escalation of differences between their countries could co mpromise the unity of the entire Soviet empire.\n\nNo wonder that in contr ast to the title of a lecture given by the Romanian writer Mihail Sadovean u in 1945 – The Light Comes from the East – which predicted Soviet politic al dominance in Eastern Europe\, in the decades of the Cold War many citiz ens felt that the light came rather from the West. One way of fulfilling t his desire was migration\, motivated first of all by the repressive nature of communist dictatorships\, political or religious discrimination and ec onomic hardship. The aim of the planned conference is to revisit the broad ly defined politics of migration in the light of new archival materials an d considering recent research approaches.\n\nParticipation in the conferen ce is free of charge but registration is obligatory. To register click bel ow:\n _szWCrRUFVOvElBhj8LAQmun8RUM1haVVFZTlMwT004RUlKWU5KUDU4V0VWRC4u URL: astern-european-migration-during-the-cold-war LOCATION:offline ORGANIZER;CN=European Network Remembrance and Solidarity :MAILTO:office@enr END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR