BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:adamgibbons/ics METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:gudgdrHxYzPsGh0jDU-RA SUMMARY:Frozen Silence: International Programme on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Novi Sad Raid DTSTAMP:20250122T025111Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250122 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250123 DESCRIPTION:Exhibition of graphic works about the Novi Sad Raid\n\nAs part of the program\, you will have the opportunity to see an exhibition of gra phic works about the Novi Sad Raid created during workshops with guest art ists\, students\, and experts in the field of archival pedagogy and educat ion about the Holocaust from the Netherlands\, Germany\, Denmark\, Romania and Serbia.\n\nA new collection of testimonies\n\nAlso\, we will present a new collection of testimonies “Stories of Death and Life from Box 183”. It is a collection of testimonies of Jews of Bačka who survived the Holoca ust\, collected by the author Vladimir Todorović. The collection also incl udes previously unpublished testimonies and lists of victims. The publicat ion of the book was supported by the Jewish Cultural and Humanitarian Foun dation “Sabitaj Buki Finci”\, Belgrade and the Jewish Community of Novi Sa d. The book was awarded at the 68th prize competition of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia for works with a Jewish theme\, for 2024. Th e publisher of the book is Terraforming.\n\nPanel Talk\n\nThe highlight of the program is certainly an international panel talk at with\, among othe rs\, these speakers: Birthe Pater\, Director of Education at the Arolsen A rchives\, Germany\; Gabriel Kousbroek\, illustrator and author from Amster dam\; Eugenie Khatschatrian\, Operations Coordinator at EuroClio\, a Europ ean organization dedicated to inspiring history and citizenship educators\ , the Netherlands\; Vladimir Todorović\, author of the collection of testi monies “Stories of Death and Life from Box 183” from Novi Sad\; Dragana St ojanović\, professor at the Faculty of Media and Communication from Belgra de.\nArtists from Germany\, Denmark\, the Netherlands\, Romania and Serbia \, as well as students of the III and XIV Belgrade Gymnasium with teachers – participants of a two-day workshop on graphic novels about the Holocaus t.\n\nThe program is hosted by Miško Stanišić and Nevena Bajalica\, Terraf orming.\n\nAdmission is free. URL: LOCATION:offline ORGANIZER;CN=The program is part of a wider international project Facts not Fiction in which Terraforming collaborates with partners Arolsen Archive, EuroClio and Intercultural Institute Timisoara, with the support of the E uropean END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR