BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:adamgibbons/ics METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:Diu7em5lrp9_sgzHG6lla SUMMARY:Berlin Tales DTSTAMP:20241223T041052Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240229 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240405 DESCRIPTION:Berlin has consistently played a crucial role in the cultural a nd social life of the Roma diaspora and\, at the same time\, Roma had also made a significant impact on the history of the German capital. However\, limited initiatives have addressed the intertwined cultural history of Ro ma and Berlin.\n\n \n\nThe Berlin Tales exhibition unveils the cultural hi story of Berlin – a narrative that remains largely unknown\, concealed\, a nd suppressed yet simultaneously boasts a beautifully rich genealogy. The exhibition showcases key moments and significant contributions made by Rom a to Berlin\, and influencing German and European culture since the 1970s to the present day.\n\n \n\nThe Berlin Tales exhibition\, along with its a ssociated events including concerts\, performances\, and discussions\, ill ustrates the enduring and substantial cultural\, social\, and political pr esence of Roma in Berlin — both as artists and as an audience. The narrati ve reveals a potent counterculture that collaborates with other peripherie s\, aiming to challenge racist representations and combat stereotypical\, homogenized depictions of minorities prevalent in mainstream media and soc iety at large. The display also highlights the boundless creativity of con temporary artists\, performers\, and musicians of Roma origin. All contrib uting artists\, while of diverse nationalities and personal stories\, deve loped deep connections to Berlin´s cultural landscape. These individuals c ontemplate alternative modes of self-determination and self-representation \, inventing new means to narrate the Roma “tale” with the vision to empow er and “strike back”—to assert complete control and halt the escalation of contradictions and conflicts within and outside Roma communities. They as pire to envision and create a peaceful and prosperous future for all.\n\nR EAD MORE ON THE WEBSITE URL: LOCATION:offline ORGANIZER;CN=ERIAC - European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture:MAILTO:er END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR