BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:adamgibbons/ics METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:9qI82yeMvCwt3HdXkRSjM SUMMARY:Local Jewish History Walks in Hungary - IWalk Program to Commemorat e the 80th anniversary of the Holocaust in Hungary DTSTAMP:20250314T204404Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240415 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240419 DESCRIPTION:On the Holocaust Memorial Day in Hungary\, as well as during th e Memorial Week\, the Zachor Foundation organizes video-interview-based lo cal history walking tours in numerous towns across the country\, in collab oration with local educators and institutions. These tours simultaneously commemorate the victims and survivors while introducing participants to Je wish religion\, culture\, and the absence of the Jewish community in vario us towns.\n\nThe IWalk program is a digital educational initiative of the USC Shoah Foundation implemented in Hungary by the Zachor Foundation. The freely accessible IWalk mobile application allows individuals to explore t he history of the Jewish community in a particular town through self-guide d or guided local history walks. Throughout the tours\, participants learn about the history and present of the local Jewish community through the p ersonal stories of former residents\, Holocaust survivors' video testimoni es\, and other site-specific sources such as archival photos and documents . Reflective\, thought-provoking questions accompany the interpretation of what is seen at various locations and stops.\n\n📲 The IWalk application is available for free download on the AppStore ( /iwalk-usc-shoah.../id1176057571) and Google Play ( /store/apps/details...) stores.\n\nThe program is aimed at students and al l interested individuals.\n\nThe towns participating in the program are:\n Aszód\, Győr\, Nagykanizsa\, Vecsés\, Kecskemét\, Sopron\, Kisvárda\, Misk olc\, Bácsalmás\, Mátészalka\, Szolnok\, Székesfehérvár\, Baja\, Pécs\, Hó dmezővásárhely\, Budapest\, Békéscsaba\, Szeged\, Mád\, Bodrogkeresztúr\, Olaszliszka\, Abaújszántó\, Keszthely\, Balatonboglár.\n URL: LOCATION:offline ORGANIZER;CN=Zachor Foundation for Social Remembrance:MAILTO:zachor@zachor. hu END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR