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Call for abstract for Participation in conferences, workshops or lectures

Call for Proposals: The HISTOLAB Award for Innovative School Projects in History Education 2024

Main stakeholder

Council of Europe and European Union


Application Deadline

8 January 2024






The HISTOLAB award for innovative school projects in history education encourages students to share their interests and ideas, and to express their vision of how they want to learn about history. They are asked to ruminate on their experiences with learning history, and to submit their ideas on how history teaching could be more effective in meeting their interests, while strengthening their understanding of democratic culture and the respect for human rights, as promoted by the Council of Europe. Innovative ways of teaching history rooted in the principle of multiperspectivity can bring together stories and communities and empower us to examine our shared past. It is evident that the need for innovation in history teaching reaches beyond academia and connects directly with teachers and students. How can teachers and student come together to create lessons that have a lasting impact? This award is the opportunity to ask students their opinion and give their ideas on how to create an innovative experience to learn about history. For the HISTOLAB School Award 2024, we are looking for the best examples of teaching history in a unique and original way. Share your project with us and show the innovation that you use to answer one, or more of the following questions: How can history education amplify underrepresented or marginalised stories? How can local history be connected to wider historical events on a European or global level? How can new technology and digitalisation be used in history education? How can museums and places of remembrance enrich the learning of history? The award is directed at schools and students from the Observatory on History Teaching in Europe (OHTE) member and observer states, with two different age-group categories (10-13, 14-18). These are: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Cyprus, France, Georgia, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, North Macedonia, Portugal, Republic of Moldova (Obs.), Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Türkiye, Ukraine (Obs.)

How to apply

Follow the instructions at https://histolab.coe.int/newsroom/school-awards-2024

Thematic focus

Art History

Cultural History

Economic History

Environmental History

Gender History

Global History

Intellectual History

Local History


Military History

Other Approaches

Transnational History

Social History

Political History

Remembrance / Collective Memory


History of Sexuality

History of Racism

History of Persons with Disabilities

History of National Minorities

History of Migration

History of History Education

History of Colonialism

History of Anti-Semitism

Histories of Wars and Warfare

Histories of Violence

Histories of Discrimination and Persecution

Histories of Authoritarian Regimes and Dictatorships

Secondary Schools

Primary Schools

Innovative Approaches

Inclusive History Education

Multi-Perspectivity in History Teaching

Resources and Learning Materials for History Education

Teaching Sensitive Histories

Transnational and International Cooperations

History Education for Persons with Special Needs

History Didactics / Teaching Practices

Digital Media in History Education


Observatory on History Teaching in Europe (OHTE) Details