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Call for cooperation for Project partners

EFREC bi- and multilateral Experts

Main stakeholder

EFREC: European Forum for Reconciliation and Cooperation in History and Social Sciences Education





English, German, French, Polish


At EFREC, we are looking for initiatives and organizations that are active in bilateral and multilateral textbook revision and curriculum development. In particular, we distinguish between history commissions, textbook commissions and NGOs that produce teaching materials in bilateral or multilateral cooperation. We want to increase our resources and create more opportunities for cooperation. For this reason, we would also like to integrate into our platform a list of experts who specialize in bilateral and multilateral textbook work and curriculum revision. If you can answer "yes" to any of the following questions: 1. Are you currently active in a bilateral or multilateral curriculum development or textbook revision initiative? 2. If not, were you an active member of such an organization? 3. Do you conduct research in the field of bilateral and multilateral cooperation in history education? please contact us informally via efrec@gei.de. We look forward to the opportunity to strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation together. Your EFREC-Team: PD Dr. Steffen Sammler and Patrycja Czerwinska

How to apply

Please write an informal e-mail at efrec@gei.de.

Thematic focus

Transnational History

Transnational and International Cooperations