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Pedagogical Guide - Teaching history through the use of World War II memorials

Publication by: Kristina Smolijaninovaite, Marcus Chavasse, Benny Christensen


Publication type

Book (Monography, Handbook or Edited volume)

Language of publication

English, German, Polish, Russian

Abstract of the publication

In this pedagogical guide, 8 ready-to-use learning activities about WWII memorial sites across Europe are presented, each written by teachers from Germany, Moldova, Poland and Russia. We also present an essay about the memorial landscape in Europe, pedagogical recommendations, instructions for visiting memorial sites, etc. If you would like a physical copy of the report in English, German or Polish, please reach out to us via info@confronting-memories.org

Thematic focus

Military History

Political History

Social History

Transnational History

Histories of Wars and Warfare

Histories of Discrimination and Persecution


Remembrance / Collective Memory

Secondary Schools

Innovative Approaches

Multi-Perspectivity in History Teaching

Resources and Learning Materials for History Education

Teaching Sensitive Histories