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Call for cooperation for Expertise on a specific task

Teacher Survey - OHTE Thematic Report on "Economic crises in history teaching" - by 9 June 2024

Main stakeholder

Observatory on History Teaching in Europe (OHTE)


Application Deadline

9 June 2024


Albanian, Armenian, English, French, Georgian, Greek, Macedonian, Portuguese, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian


History teachers from Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Cyprus, France, Georgia, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, North Macedonia, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Türkiye and Ukraine are invited to respond to a 10-minute questionnaire related to the topic of economic crises in their teaching. This is an opportunity to contribute to a better understanding of teachers’ experiences, challenges and needs with regard to teaching about economic crises within the subject of history.

How to apply

Follow the link: https://eu.surveymonkey.com/r/86VPPHC

Thematic focus

Art History

Cultural History

Economic History

Environmental History

Gender History

Global History

Intellectual History

Local History


Military History

Political History

Social History

Transnational History

Other Approaches

International Organisations Work on History Education

Research on History Education

Secondary Schools

Digital Media in History Education

History Didactics / Teaching Practices

Innovative Approaches

Multi-Perspectivity in History Teaching

Resources and Learning Materials for History Education

Teaching Sensitive Histories

Transnational and International Cooperations