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Call for application for Study programme

Call for Applications: Jasenovac Researchers Workshop

Main stakeholder

The Public Institution Jasenovac Memorial Site


Application Deadline

15 June 2024






Jasenovac Memorial Site, situated in present-day Croatia, collects, processes and presents museum and archive material on the Ustasha concentration camp Jasenovac, takes care of monuments and mass grave sites and teaches young people about the history of the camp and respect for diversity. Jasenovac is a site of memory emblematic of the Holocaust in Europe, yet its specific history is not well known beyond the borders of former Yugoslavia. This lack of wider knowledge about discrimination and mass prosecution of Serbs, Roma and Jews by the Ustasha regime in the Independent State of Croatia during the Second World War, especially in Jasenovac camp, holds vital lessons crucial to understanding the broader history of the Holocaust and genocide. The Jasenovac Remembrance Initiative is a collaborative effort to increase the visibility and international outreach of the Jasenovac Memorial Site as an educational center promoting peace and understanding. Supported by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ), our initiative aims to enrich existing Jasenovac educational content and expand its international visibility and international partnerships. Here are some of the topics and questions we plan to explore during the international workshop: How do different cultural settings and traditions shape remembrance practices and perceptions of the Jasenovac Camp history? What are the contextual drivers and barriers for acknowledging the history of the Jasenovac Camp in Western Europe? What is the role of the Jasenovac Camp history in the wider context of Holocaust education and memory in Europe? What are the political and cultural factors that enable or impede public engagement with learning about or commemorating the Jasenovac Camp history? What strategies could be implemented to address some of the divisive and polarising narratives about the history of the Jasenovac Camp? Please download PDF for full application text.

How to apply

You can apply to participate in the workshop by filling out the application, which involves a short motivation statement: https://kreisauinitiative.wufoo.com/forms/m19iszuc0b0xpml/ The deadline for the application is June 7, 2024. You will be notified about the results of the selection process by June 15, 2024.

Thematic focus

Transnational History

Histories of Authoritarian Regimes and Dictatorships

Histories of Discrimination and Persecution

Histories of Violence

Histories of Wars and Warfare

History of Anti-Semitism


Remembrance / Collective Memory

Museums, Memorials and Exhibitions

Digital Media in History Education

Teaching Sensitive Histories