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Call for application for Study programme

World Congress of Teachers

Main stakeholder

Korean War Legacy Foundation


Application Deadline

29 June 2024






August 1-4, Cambridge, UK The Korean War Legacy Foundation is honored to partner with the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, R.O.K, to host the 2024 World Congress of Teachers in Cambridge, UK. Dignitaries from the UK and Republic of Korea will join teachers from all twenty-two United Nations countries that participated in the Korean War to share ideas on how the War and its legacy can be taught in the classroom. A special area of focus will be on the UK’s Korean War curriculum book published in 2020. The World Congress is an opportunity to recognize the sacrifice of Korean War veterans and the importance of studying the War’s legacy in our schools. All participants will receive a travel stipend, 3 nights hotel and meals. The World Congress is currently open to history teachers from: United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Philippines, Thailand, South Africa, Greece, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ethiopia, Colombia, Sweden, India, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Germany

How to apply

The application is linked off of the conference page. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. TEACHER QUALIFICATIONS -currently teach social studies or history for ages 12-18. Proficient in English as all sessions will be in English -currently teach a course that could include instruction on the Korean War. -demonstrate a desire to learn and teach about the Korean War and its legacy. -teach in one of the 22 United Nations participating countries.

Thematic focus

Global History

Military History

Political History

Social History

Histories of Wars and Warfare