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Teaching with Archives Portal Europe: the Portal and its usability in History Education.

Publication by: Anna Batzeli

Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10th annual conference
Conference Proceedings

Publication type

Special issue of a peer-reviewed academic journals

Language of publication


Abstract of the publication

Archives Portal Europe (https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/) is an online archive catalogue repository which allows simultaneous archival research in thousands of institutions from more than thirty European countries in twenty four languages (and five different alphabets, including Greek) through one simple online search system. Archives Portal Europe was established in 2009 and currently holds information on around seven thousand archival institutions (national archives, community archives, parish archives, university archives, corporate and private archives), of which over a thousand actively contribute with content, and it holds more than two hundred eighty million archival descriptive units. At the same time, Archives Portal Europe is constantly expanding to make more material available for research. Aim of the current paper is twofold: to present Archives Portal Europe and how it can be utilized by History Educators in Greece or History Educators willing to teach Greek History through two example teaching scenarios. The publication is available at: https://www.archivesportaleurope.net/blog/10th-international-conference-of-the-iake/

Thematic focus

Social History

Histories of Wars and Warfare

Secondary Schools

Resources and Learning Materials for History Education