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Teaching history, teaching peace? 2023 Annual Conference of the Observatory on History Teaching in Europe

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Thematic focus

  • Primary Schools
  • Secondary Schools
  • History Didactics / Teaching Practices
  • Inclusive History Education
  • Innovative Approaches
  • Multi-Perspectivity in History Teaching
  • Resources and Learning Materials for History Education
  • Transnational and International Cooperations
  • International Organisations Work on History Education
  • Research on History Education


English, French




Palais de l'Europe, Council of Europe, Strasbourg


30 November 2023 - 1 December 2023


09:00 - 14:00

(GMT+01:00) Paris




In recent times, we have seen many attempts at manipulation and abuses orchestrated by anti-democratic forces or motivated by nationalist political agendas, which sit outside any framework of critical thinking or desire to preserve democratic and humanist values. The most striking example of these abuses is, of course, the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, one of the justifications for which is the denial of Ukraine’s own history and its existence as an independent nation. Even though the trends above can be observed to varying degrees throughout the European continent, they are not an absolute rule and fortunately, we are not fighting a losing battle against these practices. Nevertheless, to prevent this from developing and becoming commonplace, it is necessary to question and observe the way in which history is taught. Are these trends attributable to the low number of hours allocated to history teaching or to the inadequate teaching tools available to history teachers? Are younger generations confronted with history lessons that give pride of place to national narratives and where critical thinking is relegated to second place? – these are among some other questions we can ask ourselves. All these aspects are covered by the first OHTE General report on the state of history teaching in Europe, which will be presented during the annual conference.


Observatory on History Teaching in Europe (Council of Europe)