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Call for application for Job or traineeship vacancies

Participation in the Civil Society Forum's Summer School for History Teachers in Armenia

Thematic focus

  • Cultural History
  • Global History
  • Political History
  • Social History
  • Transnational History
  • Other Approaches
  • Local History
  • Economic History
  • Secondary Schools
  • Teacher Training
  • Media and Public Discourse
  • Other Forms of History Education
  • Museums, Memorials and Exhibitions
  • Digital Media in History Education
  • History Didactics / Teaching Practices
  • Innovative Approaches
  • Multi-Perspectivity in History Teaching
  • Resources and Learning Materials for History Education
  • Teaching Sensitive Histories
  • Transnational and International Cooperations
  • History of National Minorities
  • Histories of Discrimination and Persecution
  • Histories of Violence
  • Histories of Wars and Warfare
  • History of History Education
  • History of National Minorities
  • Holocaust
  • International Organisations Work on History Education
  • Institutional and Legal Frameworks of History Education
  • Remembrance / Collective Memory
  • Research on History Education
  • Cross-regional
  • Europe
  • Eastern Europe
  • Central Europe
  • 20th Century
  • 1900-1945
  • 1945-2000
  • 21st Century


English, Russian





Deadline: 31 May 2024




The CSF programme Confronting Memories and the Hazarashen Armenian Center of Ethnological Studies are organising a three day international Summer School in Dilijan, Armenia on 17-21 July 2024 for history teachers and educators from Armenia, Georgia and Moldova, as well as for Russian and Ukrainian teachers and educators in exile. The workshop will be led by facilitators from the Western Balkans and Latvia with extensive experience in multiperspective educational practices and conflict resolution, and will address the following questions: ➨ How can we teach about conflicts in history against the backdrop of ongoing conflicts in the region? ➨ How can we develop learner-centred history education on conflicts with a focus on attitudes and values? ➨ How are conflicts presented in school textbooks and media? ➨ How can history be manipulated and how do political narratives shape remembrances and its practices? If you're an active history teacher or educator (formal or informal), don't miss out. More details about the call and requirements are available on the CM website: https://confronting-memories.org/news/52-summer-school-for-educators-in-dilijan-armenia/ Spread the word and get applying!


Civil Society Forum