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Call for abstract for participation in conferences, workshop or lectures

#LearnersFirst - Call for participation of history students in the OHTE Annual Conference - Deadline 30 June 2024

Thematic focus

  • International Organisations Work on History Education


English, French





Deadline: 30 June 2024




The Observatory on History Teaching in Europe (OHTE) is an Enlarged Partial Agreement of the Council of Europe, whose mission is to promote quality education in order to improve understanding of democratic culture. The Observatory provides an accurate overview of the state of history teaching in its member states, based on reliable data and facts on how history is taught, through general and thematic reports. Every year, the OHTE organises a Conference, the main purpose of which is to present the work and reports it conducts. The event usually brings together high-level political decision-makers, Permanent Representations to the Council of Europe, stakeholders from the education field (academics, teachers' associations, etc.), as well as representatives of civil society and European youth organisations. In line with the priorities defended by the Council of Europe, the OHTE is keen to give young people a prominent place in its discussions and at the events it organises. Participation OHTE is looking for students enrolled in higher education history courses from member and observer states of the OHTE willing to contribute to and participate in the OHTE Annual Conference. Ten successful candidates will be invited to Strasbourg, with full financial support, to participate in the 4th OHTE Annual Conference entitled “History in Crisis(es)?”. The applicant ranked highest will be invited to take part in discussions as part of the plenary session dealing with the question "History, a subject in danger?”. Please see the above link to access the Call for Participation and full details on how to apply.


Observatory on History Teaching in Europe (OHTE)