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Call for application for Grant or scholarship scheme

HISTOLAB Fellowship

Hybrid event

Thematic focus

  • Innovative Approaches







Deadline: 14 May 2023




In accordance with the overall aim of HISTOLAB and in line with the values and standards of the Council of Europe, the HISTOLAB Fellowship will co-fund the research and the writing of an academic article related to innovation in history education. Articles can relate to methods and practices of history teaching in the classroom, or innovative methods in public history, such as in museums, memorial places or through the media. The exploration of innovative ways of using archival materials in the classroom is also a potential field of interest. The HISTOLAB Fellowship cannot fund an entire research project but seeks to support researchers through a financial grant in order to produce an article based on additional and dedicated research related to their field of study. In addition to a financial grant the Fellowship offers other benefits to the HISTOLAB Fellows by providing access to the expertise, network and research infrastructure of the HISTOLAB partners. The Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg-Eckert-Institute for example offers to host the HISTOLAB Fellows for a study visit to enhance their research for the article. HISTOLAB Fellows also have the possibility to explore research visits to other institutions using the financial grant. These would have to be negotiated and arranged by the Fellows themselves. The programme seeks to amplify the outreach of research results achieved by the HISTOLAB Fellows, and to make a valuable contribution to the debate on innovation in history education by publishing an edited volume containing their respective academic articles. The HISTOLAB Fellowship contributes to the fellows’ professional development by inviting them to present their work during the European Innovation Days in History Education organised by HISTOLAB in 2024, as well as to other HISTOLAB activities. Eligible are doctoral students and history educators on a research sabbatical who work on innovation in history education.


Council of Europe - EU Joint Project HISTOLAB