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Annual Conference of the International Society for History Didactics: History and Its Discontents: Theory and Practice, Stories from the Classroom

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Thematic focus

  • Secondary Schools
  • Teacher Training
  • Other Forms of History Education
  • Primary Schools
  • Media and Public Discourse
  • History Didactics / Teaching Practices
  • Innovative Approaches
  • Multi-Perspectivity in History Teaching
  • Transnational and International Cooperations
  • Research on History Education
  • International Organisations Work on History Education
  • Institutional and Legal Frameworks of History Education
  • Remembrance / Collective Memory
  • Holocaust
  • History of History Education
  • History of National Minorities
  • Cross-regional




United States of America


Rhode Island College, Providence, RI, USA


10 - 12 October 2024


This conference will be organized around three principal themes: 1) "History Education on Trial…Again? Controversy and Unresolved Questions” offers a chance to investigate the history of history didactics and the debates about the goals and curricula of history education in the past and present. How have these conversations and debates among history teachers and their guild organizations played out over time on the political stage and in the classroom? 2) Across the Great Divide focuses on how History Didactics and Education can be utilized to promote a more inclusive curriculum and pedagogy. How do we engage students in the classroom and maintain the allegiance of the community at large? 3) Academic Freedom and History Education provides the opportunity to examine the challenges facing history teachers and their ability to foster independent historical thinking critical to the promotion of democratic history education and the promotion of civil society both within and outside the classroom. Among some of the questions we might consider: What can we learn from previous debates over history curriculum, practice, and assessment? How do history teachers at the collegiate and secondary level deal with state mandates that delimit or propose to eliminate the teaching of history? How has this problem been dealt with in the past? What are some of the lessons we can learn from classroom practice both currently and over time? How are the politics of memory woven into national narratives? What are the critical ingredients for a history curriculum designed to prepare the young for national/global citizenship? In what ways can globalized narratives of the state be reconciled with national narratives? What do historical narratives in their many guises reveal about the concept of modernity?


Karl Benziger