Maria VlachakiDr.
marvl@eled.auth.grAristotle University of Thessaloniki
Top skills
- Research, History Education
- Project Management, History Education
- Consulting on History Education Projects
- Museography, History Education
- Advocacy of good practices in history education
Fields of expertise
- Local History
- Environmental History
- Cultural History
- Microhistory
- Social History
- History of History Education
- History of Migration
- History of National Minorities
- History of Racism
- Holocaust
- Research on History Education
- Histories of Discrimination and Persecution
- Teaching
- Consultation
- Research
- Cooperation
Looks for
- No requests yet
About me
Dr. Maria Vlachaki is a historian, history educator, member of the Laboratory Teaching Personnel in History Didactics at the Department of Primary Education - Faculty of Education in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece Adjunct lecturer of History, Oral History and History Education at the postgraduate program “Public History” of the Hellenic Open University. Studies -PhD in Oral History and History Didactics. Doctoral thesis titled “Oral History, Museums and Intercultural education: Αn approach to migration using life stories”. -MA in the Interuniversity, Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program “History - Museology and Culture” - MA in the field of “Intercultural Education” at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) - BA in History, Department of History, Archaeology and Social Anthropology, University of Thessaly (Greece) - BA in Primary Education, University of Thessaly -Language Knowledge English, German
- Greek
- English
- German
Background information
View CVPublications
Indicative list of publications 1. Vlachaki, M. 2023 “Critical Pedagogy, history education and democratic competences: Children reflect on educational inequalities in the past”.Education for Social Emancipation, XICCE, International Conference on Critical Education, Aristotle University, Faculty of Education, School of Primary Education,Thessaloniki, 4 8 July 2022. p.637-651. 2.Vlachaki, M. (2023). Aiming to an inclusive history curriculum: children approach critically cross-cultural interactions among Arabs and Byzantines in Middle Ages Intercultural Education on the Move: Facing Old and New Challenges, Online Conference, Athens, 1-2/10/2022. σ. 327-331. https://tinu.be/ND_f2tKAg 3.Vlachaki, M. & Kouseri, G. (2021). “Family stories and global (hi)stories”, Teaching History, 178, 2/2020, p.56-66. 4.Vlachaki, M., Kokkinos, G., Papandreou, Z. (2019). “Approaching Mythology in the History Curriculum of Compulsory Education in Greece , History Education Research Journal, 16.2. p.229-247. 5. Vlachaki, M & Magos, K. (2016). A museum exhibition on migration as a framework of developing transformative learning and intercultural dialogue. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of ITPC (Interrogating Transformative Processes in Learning and Education) ESREA Network The Role, Nature and Difficulties of Dialogue in Transformative Learning, p. 326-336.
Teaching experience: In University Undergraduate level: Teaching courses “History Didactics” “Local History” ,“Oral History in Education” “Museum Education” , “History of Education” and “Intercultural Education and Minorities”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Thessaly. Postgraduate level: “History and Education” and “Oral History” at the MA “Public History” of the Hellenic Open University "Contemporary Approaches in History Education", Erasmus Course, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. “Qualitative research in Education, Universities of Patras (Greece) and of Nicosia (Cyprus) and “Methodology of Educational Research”, Postgraduate program “Creative Environments of learning”, University of Thessaly”. Teaching experience in primary education: Primary school teacher, school principal and educational consultant (25 years).
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Using Football To Teach Modern History
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