Mihai ManeaDr.
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Top skills
- Research, Academic History
- Consulting on History Education Projects
- Journalism with a focus on history and history education
- Project Management, History Education
Fields of expertise
- Global History
- Military History
- Transnational History
- Histories of Wars and Warfare
- History of Anti-Semitism
- Holocaust
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View CVPublications
(LIST OF PUBLICATIONS) 1. COMUNICARI STIINTIFICE (LECTURES) -Implicatiile demografice ale edictului de la Nantes (1685) (The demographic consequences of the Edict of Nantes (1685), Comunicare la Laboratorul de demografie istorica al Universitatii din Bucuresti, 1985. -Consideratii privind epidemia de ciuma de la Marsilia si din Provence (1720-1723) (On the plague of Marseille and Provence 1720-1723), Comunicare la Laboratorul de demografie istorica al Universitatii din Bucuresti si la Societatea de Stiinte Medicale, 1988. -Contributii la studiul politicii externe a lordului Palmerston in Europa (1830-1834) (Contributions to the study of Lord Palmerston’s diplomacy in Europe 1830-1848), Comunicare la Societatea de Stiinte Istorice, 1982. -Regatul Daciei in viziunea proiectelor diplomatiei europene in secolul XVIII (The kingdom of Dacia in the plans of the European diplomacy in the 18th Century), Comunicare la Societatea de Stiinte Istorice, 1988. -Dosarul manualelor scolare (The file of the school-textbooks), in „Flacara”, 42, 22 octombrie 1982, p.8. -Constituirea statului roman modern (The creation of the Romanian national state), Cursurile de vara ale Universitatii Bucuresti pentru profesorii straini, 11 august 1984. -conferinte (lectures) la Neuchatel (Elvetia), Budapesta (Ungaria), Braunschweig (Germania), Boston (SUA) (1995-2001), Bologna (2003), Budapesta (2007), Loutraki (2008), Kosovo (2009), Kiev (2009) -conferinte (lectures) la reuniunile EUROCLIO (1999-2003) -interventii la Scolile de vara CEDU 2000+ (short lectures at the Summer Schools of CEDU 2000+), 2000 si 2001. -Consiliul Europei și predarea istoriei (Council of Europe and history teaching), Conferința EUROPEAN CULTURE, Cluj Napoca, 2015. -Consiliul Europei, Războiul Rece și predarea istoriei (1949-1989) (Council of Europe, Cold War and Teaching History 1949-1989), Conferința, INTEGRATION AND DESINTEGRATION IN CENTRAL AND SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPE, Cluj Napoca, 2017. 2.RAPOARTE PENTRU CONSILIUL EUROPEI
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