individual expert
Frédéric AlbertPhD in Political Science, Teacher in History
frederick.albert@icloud.comNo institution name
Top skills
- Research, Academic History
Fields of expertise
- Social History
- Other Approaches
- Transnational History
- Economic History
- Political History
- Histories of Authoritarian Regimes and Dictatorships
- Histories of Wars and Warfare
- Holocaust
- International Organisations Work on History Education
- Institutional and Legal Frameworks of History Education
- Research on History Education
- No offers yet
Looks for
- No requests yet
About me
My background has enabled me to build up a solid foundation in terms of knowledge of democratic life based on human rights, and to develop a fine-tuned vision of our European societies. What's more, my job as a teacher keeps me at the cutting edge of observation, so that I can pass on my knowledge to thousands of Europeans, whom I'm happy to meet again, or to exchange views with them on professional networks, in order to build relationships that contribute to developing the very essence of our shared values.
- French
- German
- English
Contributions to the Histolab Digital Hub
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