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JOSE MANUEL GIL SÁNCHEZGraduate in Geography and History from the University of Valencia (Spain)


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Top skills

  • Advocacy of good practices in history education
  • Professional Development, History Education

Fields of expertise

  • Cultural History
  • Political History
  • Intellectual History
  • Other Approaches
  • Histories of Authoritarian Regimes and Dictatorships
  • Histories of Wars and Warfare
  • History of Anti-Semitism
  • Holocaust
  • International Organisations Work on History Education
  • Remembrance / Collective Memory


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About me

Graduate in Geography and History from the University of Valencia (class 92-97). Professor of Geography, History, Audiovisual Communication and Performing Arts in E.S.O. and Baccalaureate since 2001 at the Sagrada Familia de Benimaclet School in Valencia (Spain). Head of the Humanities seminar. President of the Valencian Association of Geography, History and Art Teachers (AVPGHA) and member of the Spanish Federation of History Teachers that belongs to Euroclio. Graduated from the Yad Vashem International School of Holocaust Studies in Jerusalem in 2018. Granted by the German government to carry out a training course at the Wannsee House in Berlin in December 2019. First prize “Ángel Sanz Briz” 2019 awarded by the Ministry of Education of Spain to good educational practices in high school for its project on the Holocaust “Erinnern Macht Frei”. 2019 Golden Spinning Top from the Espiral Association for the same project. He actively participated in CEDEC_Intef and its group for the creation and application of Open Educational Resources of the EDIA project. Creator of eXeLearning resources and coordinator of the INTEF didactic itinerary creation project. Creator and coordinator of a European Comenius project (Melting Pot) and two Erasmus + projects (Europe in Love and ECO Friendly) from which he obtained the Etwinning National Quality Seal. I have participated in the II Annual Conference on the Teaching of History at the European Commission (Strasbourg 2022) and in the "Writing History" course at the House of European History (Brussels 2023), in addition to translating resources for Historiana and being part from several Euroclio training webinars.


  • Spanish
  • English



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