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Piotr MichalowskiMA in cultural studies, MSci in project management and entrepreneurship in culture, MSci in cultural diplomacy

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Top skills

  • Museography, History Education
  • Consulting on History Education Projects
  • Project Management, History Education

Fields of expertise

  • Cultural History
  • Local History
  • Microhistory
  • Other Approaches
  • Remembrance / Collective Memory


  • Consultation
  • Research
  • Cooperation
  • Advocacy/Outreach
  • Education & professional qualification

Looks for

  • Contributions
  • Consultation
  • Speakers/Lecturers/Educators
  • Job opportunities
  • Cooperation

About me

Piotr Michalowski – cultural consultant, project manager & expert on Creative Economy and Territorial Development. He holds MA in Cultural studies (University of Wrocław), MSci in Management (Lower Silesian University for Public Services) second MSci in Cultural Diplomacy (Jagiellonian University in Krakow), BA in musicology (University of Wroclaw), and a State diploma of professional musician (Wroclaw School of Jazz). He has successfully coordinated over 120 projects. He has a proven experience in Design Thinking (certified trainer), moderation (moderator of Polish-American Freedom Foundation’s), International Cultural Management, Local Strategic Development for Cultural Institutions (European Diploma of Association Marcel Hicter & National Centre for Culture in Poland), Creativity and Innovation (Stanford University). He is a Vice-President of the Board (European Network of Cultural Centres ENCC Brussels), Independent Expert of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme (for the period 2022-2026), Expert Evaluator of the European Commission. He has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of Socio-Economic & Regional Development, internationalisation, synergies building, participatory approach - by multiple years of working experience in diverse professional environments and eco-systems. He was conducting cultural research for many projects the scientifically-based projects, including supported by the Horizon Europe programme, e.g. regarding creative tourism, place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries. Piotr has an overall working experience of 22 years for the NGO sector, 15 years for public sector and experienced in working inside the creative sector for 10 years – by running sole proprietorship Micro Art Center Piotr Michalowski (CCI) providing solutions for PR, international event management, art productions, providing cultural and strategic advisories for institutions, public sector, NGO’s and companies.


  • English
  • Polish



Background information

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▪ "Lost & found - the case of adopted post-industrial German heritage in the post-war Poland. Towards new cultural functions and social participation" Article in the Book "The Heritage of Central and Eastern Europe" by the Jagiellonian University in Krakow to be released by the Peter Lang Publishing House, currently during the advanced publishing cycle. ▪ Michałowski Piotr, Spaces of cultural action: focusing on working in and with communities, in public spaces, in urban districts or rural areas, or across borders [in]: Agents of Change: Cultural Work in Times of Evolving Paradigms, Book by the Onassis Cultural Centre (Onassis Stegi Athens), 2022 – currently during the advanced publishing cycle. ▪ Michałowski Piotr, Strong and in development. Socio-culture in Poland [in]: SOZIOkultur Zeitschrift des Bundesverbandes Soziokultur e.V. Berlin, No 1/2022, p. 12-13. ▪ Michałowski Piotr, Shishkova Vassilka, Polivtseva Elena, Richardsdóttir Ása, Turra Sara, Perineau Lucie, Beyond the urban, edited by ENCC, Culture Action Europe, IETM and Trans Europe Halles networks, Brussels, 2020. ▪ Michałowski Piotr, Skowron Kasia, Gmitrowicz Dagna, Crugel Ioana, Perineau Lucie, Turra Sara, Crowd-sourced Manifesto: Culture for Smart, Shared and Innovative Territories. Towards 2020, Brussels, 2020. ▪ Michałowski Piotr, Social aspects of arts in rural areas” [in]: Arts in Rural Areas. IETM Fresh Perspectives 2020 by Michałowski Piotr, Drane Laura H, Garcia-Dory Fernando, published by IETM - International Network For Contemporary Performing Arts, Brussels, 2020, pp. 18-28. ▪ Michałowski Piotr, Homeland. Look at the Polish discourse on a modern understanding of home [in]: SOZIOkultur, Bundesvereinigung Soziokultureller Zentren e.V., Berlin, 2019, pp. 32-33. ▪ Michałowski Piotr, Mobile and Decentralized Concepts of Participative Cultural Work. Innovative Formats for Rural Development [in]: (Schneider Wolfgang et al.) Vital Village, Bielefeld, 2017, pp. 83-88.


In numerous roles, representing NGO sector, public cultural institutions, city administration (e.g. Cultural Division of ECoC Wroclaw 2016) and CCIs I have implemented over 100 cultural projects. Recently my main interest is related to creating powerful engagement projects, enabling reaching out to new audiences and volunteers (e.g. Citizen Science research). Presently I’m preparing my PhD in association with the Jagiellonian University (JU) in Krakow (Institute of European Studies) on participatory governance of cultural heritage and participatory processes on transformations cultural heritage institutions, with a special focus on participatory museum as future of museums in general. For the University students I’m currently providing courses especially on the Management of European projects in the field of culture and on Cooperation of local governments in the sector of culture and national heritage. Through this University I’ve also established a close cooperation with UNA EUROPA Alliance and especially dialogue on participatory governance of cultural heritage with Sorbonne Paris-1 University. I’ve a fine experience in implementation of the Horizon Europe research projects. At the moment I’m related to two ongoing Horizon project and first is called “IN SITU. Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas” (2022-26). It is led by Coimbra University with a partnership with ENCC network. Second project, called “HERITACT” Heritage Activation Through Engaging Experiences Towards Sustainable Development (2023-26), is focusing on measuring how the access to cultural heritage experiences contributes to social cohesion and inclusion, by strengthening resilience and the sense of belonging and improving well-being. It considers cultural transformations driving sustainability and is exploring new cooperation paths among relevant stakeholders, interested in designing a new European way of life in line with the New European Bauhaus.

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