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Cosme J. Gómez CarrascoDr

University of Murcia

Top skills

  • Research, History Education

Fields of expertise

  • Microhistory
  • Social History
  • Economic History
  • Cultural History
  • History of History Education
  • Remembrance / Collective Memory
  • Research on History Education
  • Theoretical and Epistemological Questions
  • 18th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 20th Century


  • Teaching
  • Consultation
  • Research
  • Cooperation

Looks for

  • Cooperation

About me

Cosme J. Gómez Carrasco is Senior Lecturer of Social Sciences Education at the Faculty of Education of the University of Murcia (Spain). He is European PhD from the University of Castilla- La Mancha (Spain), predoctoral fellow at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (2004-2007), postdoctoral fellow at the EHESS in Paris (2008-2009) and postdoctoral researcher at UC3M (2009 -2010). Also he has been "visiting student" at the European University Institute in Florence (Italy) in 2006 with a pre-doctoral mobility grant; visiting professor at the EHESS in Paris with a "José Castillejo" grant in 2015; and Honorary Research Associate at the University College of London Institute of Education (UCL-IoE). He has been Principal Investigator of four research projects about History Education, Teacher Training and Evaluation of Teaching History, two financed by the National R+D+I Plan (2019-2021; 2023-2024), another by the Seneca Foundation, Science and Technology Agency of the Region of Murcia (2019-2021), and the third in the ERASMUS + KA226 call (2021-2023). He has participated as a researcher in another 19 European, national and regional R + D + i projects on history teaching, historiography and Early Modern History. He is the coordinator of the DICSO research group of the University of Murcia (E012-01), the first in the Social Sciences and Humanities. He is coordinador of the University of Murcia node in Red14. Their research interests are: - Historical Thinking - Assessment of Historical Knowledge. - Analysis of History Textbooks. - History Teachers Training. - Evaluation and Data Analysis of Research Projects. He has published 196 articles and chapters, 50 in journals that are indexed in SCOPUS or WoS; 7 books as author and coordinator in publishers of the first quartile of the SPI (Routledge, Peter Lang, Graó; Octaedro, Silex).He has been selected by the Council of Europe in the group of experts of the Observatory of History Teaching in Europe.


  • English
  • Spanish



Background information


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Contributions to the Histolab Digital Hub

27 Mar


Re-imagining the Teaching of European History Promoting Civic Education and Historical Consciousness

Publication by: Cosme J. Gómez Carrasco

Routledge, 2023, London


History Lab for European Civic Engagement

Deadline: 31 December 2029

University of Murcia


Teaching history to face the world today. Socially-conscious approaches, activity proposals and historical thinking competencies

Publication by: Cosme J. Gómez Carrasco, Juan Ramón Moreno Vera, José Monteagudo Fernández

Peter Lang, 2023, Berlin

19 Jun


International Conference on Museums and Education. Experiences for dissemination of heritage and compliance with cultural rights

3 - 5 July 2024 Spain

Cosme J. Gómez Carrasco