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Leena HannulaDr

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Top skills

  • Research, Academic History
  • Research, History Education
  • Museography, History Education
  • Consulting on History Education Projects
  • Advocacy of good practices in history education

Fields of expertise

  • Art History
  • Cultural History
  • Gender History
  • Local History
  • Social History
  • History of History Education
  • History of Sexuality
  • International Organisations Work on History Education
  • Cross-regional
  • Europe
  • Europe
  • Europe
  • Europe
  • Finland
  • France
  • Italy
  • Sweden
  • Ancient History
  • 15th Century
  • 16th Century
  • 17th Century
  • 18th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 20th Century
  • 20th Century


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  • English
  • Finnish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Pali
  • Swedish



Background information

View CV


Thesis: Väitöskirja on julkaistu verkkojulkaisusarjassa JYU Dissertations numerona 50, Jyväskylä 2018, ISSN 2489-9003, ISBN 978-951-39-7638-5. Julkaisu on luettavissa JYX-julkaisuarkistossa osoitteessa http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-39-7638-5 (PDF). Articles: https://adelajusic.wordpress.com/2020/11/16/art-ethics-education-carl-peter-buschkuhle-dennis-atkinson-and-raphael-vella-volume-eds/ • Conversations on Finnish Art Education,School of Arts and Design and Architecture , Aalto Arts Books , Helsinki, Finland , ISBN 978-952-60-6158-0. • Historical Museums and Art Education finding Audience Experiences/ Leena Hannula/Taiteiden ja kulttuurin tutkimuksen laitos/museologia. • Journal of Literature and Art Studies, ISSN 2159-5836,April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4, 301-311 • Highlights in Museum Education/Leena Hannula/Sinebrychoff Art Museum, Helsinki;University of Jyväskylä, Finland. • Reggio Emilia, 2009, artikkeli. • Elämänkaari-lehti2009, Kuinka huomasimme olla yhdessä. Muut julkaisut: • SIPPE-taidepiknik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi5XVKlAC4Q SIPPE-kirja https://www.sippe.fi/taidepiknik-kirja/


Lahti City Art Graphic artists. Portugal, museums and schools Urajärvi board and museum pedagogy 2022- 2023. Senior Adviser Malva Museum Lahti 2020- 2022 Design museum school project A & DO, 2021 SIPPE-project. lifelong learning The Finnish National Gallery, Head of Education 2003 – 2018. The professor of Fine Arts in Kauniainen High School 1990-2000. Malmi refugée center 1989-2000 • Art beyond sight, Metropolitan Art Museum, 23-25.9.07, New York.(luento) • Mind, Media, Heritage, International House, Osaka, Japan 2008 : 32nd InSEA - The Third Representation as a Challenge for Museum Education (luento) • A Digital Document as a Creator of Identity, Memornet Summer school, Tampere,2009. • The InSEA (International Society of Education through Art) European congress 2010, Rovaniemi, Lapland,TRACES: Sustainable Art Education - Roles and Responsibilities -Museums and their Visitors : What does it take for art museums to make a difference through direct involvement with their social and cultural environment?(luento) • Narratives of Health and Illness, 2010 The Nordic Network Gender, Body, Health in collaboration with The Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University, Sweden. The third representation as a challenge for Museum Education, Narratives, History and Memory • The InSEA congress Hungary 2011, Ladies Night at the Museum – online teaching between American Museum of Natural History and Sinebrychoff Art Museum, .(luento) • The InSEA congress, Kypros, School Projects as highlights in Museum educational work 2012 .(luento) From Home- museum and school project(Turku-Helsinki, Finland - Stockholm, Sweden) • Sinebrychoff Art Museum using Digital Storytelling and Documentation in Museum Education. 2013. Scholarship from FNG, Canterbury. Narrative Storytelling .(luento).2013. • The Ministery of Education in Finland and the Museum Association scholarship to New York and Washington. • NODEM , Varsova, digital museum. SCHOOL AND MUSEUM PROJECTS

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