Foteini VenieriDr
f.venieri@heterotopia.grPanteion University of Social and Political Sciences
Top skills
- Research, History Education
- Project Management, History Education
- Consulting on History Education Projects
- Advocacy of good practices in history education
- Museography, History Education
Fields of expertise
- Cultural History
- Microhistory
- Social History
- Remembrance / Collective Memory
- Research on History Education
- Theoretical and Epistemological Questions
- Teaching
- Consultation
- Research
- Cooperation
Looks for
- Project Partners
- Cooperation
- Job opportunities
About me
I am a lecturer in museum studies at the Department of Communication, Media, and Culture of Panteion University, and in the MA Public History program of the Hellenic Open University. Since 2017, I have been co-chairing Heterotopia, designing and staging museum theatre performances in archaeological sites and various museums. Currently, I lead new research focusing on the use of museum theatre and digital media in the interpretation of cultural heritage. I graduated from the Department of Theatre Studies of the University of Athens. Following this, I pursued postgraduate studies in Cultural Management at the Department of Communication, Media, and Culture of Panteion University, supported by the State Scholarship Foundation. I hold a PhD in museum theatre from the University of Thessaly, funded by scholarships from the Leventis Foundation and the Papadakis endowment. My post-doctoral research on the use of dialogical practices in museums was carried out at the Department of Communication, Media, and Culture of Panteion University, funded by the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY). I have taught at various institutions including the MA Creative Writing, Theatre, and Cultural Industries program at the University of Peloponnese (2023-24), the Department of Theatre Studies at the University of Athens (2021-2022), and the Department of Archives, Library Science, and Museology at Ionian University (2019-2020). Additionally, I have been involved in teaching at the Public History (2019-2022) and Creative Writing (2018, 2019) postgraduate programs of Hellenic Open University. I have also been a member of research teams on several projects focused on creating digital storytelling applications for heritage interpretation. My research interests include museum learning, heritage interpretation, digital storytelling, public history, history education, with a focus on the social impact of heritage communication.
- Greek
- English
- French
Background information
View CVPublications
Venieri, F. and Gazi, A. 2024, Evaluating a digital heritage storytelling application: The case of REVAthens, The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, (forthcoming). Venieri, F. 2024, Museum theatre: History, theory, practice, Thessaloniki: Disigma Publications (in greek) Gazi, A., Giannakis, T., Marmaras, I., Scoulidas, Y., Stoyannides, Y., Venieri, F., Ziff, S. 2023 Digital storytelling from below: Revolutionary Athens through a kaleidoscope. In G. Souvlis and A. Karatzogianni (eds) Duty to Revolt: Transnational and Commemorative Aspects of Revolution. Bingley: Emerald El Raheb, K., Kougioumtzian, L., Stergiou, M., Petousi, D., Katifori, A., Servi, K., Kriezi, V., Vraka, V., Merakos, S., Charkiolakis, A., Venieri, F., Boile, M. & Ioannidis, Y. 2022, Designing an augmented experience for a music archive: What does the audience need beyond the sense of hearing? Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 15 (4), 1-24. Venieri, F. 2022, Facilitated dialogue: An emerging field of museum practice EXARC, 2022/1. Available online: https://exarc.net/issue-2022-1/aoam/facilitated-dialogue-emerging-field-museum-practice (post-doc research) Pistola, Th., Diplaris, S., Stentoumis, Ch ., Stathopoulos, E., Loupas, G., Mandilaras, Th., Kalantzis, G., Kalisperakis, I., Tellios, A., Zavraka, D., Koulali, P., Kriezi, V., Vraka, V., Venieri, F., Bacalis, S., Vrochidis, St. & Kompatsiaris, I. 2021, Creating Immersive experiences based on intangible cultural heritage, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Reality (ICIR), 17-24.(CHROMATA research project) Gazi, Α., Stoyannides, Y., Venieri, F., Marmaras, I., Ζiff, S., Scoulidas, Y., & Giannakis, Th. 2021, REVAthens: Bringing Athens of the Revolution to life through museum theatre methodology and digital gamification techniques, in Shehade, M. & Stylianou-Lambert, Th., Emerging Technologies and the Digital Transformation of Museums and Heritage Sites, Springer, 166-183. (REVAthens research project)
Research, planning, management, & production of the following museum theatre programs: • I am Pillar - a journey to the film career of Katina Paxinou during the 1940's, Museum Paxinou-Minotis, Cultural Foundation of the National Bank of Greece (2023). Online live museum theatre program for secondary school groups, based on the Paxinou-Minotis Archive. • Echoes of the past: Looking for Vaggelis Skouras, Museum of Greek Folk Musical Instruments "Fivos Anoyanakis" - Centre for Ethnomusicology (2023) A tribute to the role of the Roma Community in Greek traditional music through the famous Roma musician Vaggelis Skouras. • Internal mail, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (2021) Long-distance museum theater performance, based on Jannis Kounellis’ Untitled, 2004, of the Museum's collection. The performance unfolded via analog and digital media over eight days • War: coming soon, 416 b.c. addressed to secondary school groups (2019) The participatory museum theatre performance invites participants to become Athenian citizens amid the Peloponnesian Wars and decide the future of Athens. • Meet Ctecibius, Museum of Ancient Greek Technology K. Kotsana (2019) Ctecibius, an important inventor from the 3rd century BC. in Alexandria meets the visitors and chats with them about his inventions and his daily life in Alexandria. • Meet a Thracian woman in 1965 Soufli, Friends of Music Society, The Heritage Management Organization (2017) The play was staged during the 5th International Conference on Heritage Management (“Herma Conference”) in the framework of the ‘Herma Narratus’ event. It focuses on the interpretation of the intangible cultural heritage of Thrace. • Despo, Interactive museum theatre documentary, Mobics S.A., Prosenghissi Films Pilot interactive museum theater documentary based on Despo, the Thracian woman in 1965 Soufli. Available online: https://testing-8507b.web.app/
Contributions to the Histolab Digital Hub
Special Lecture
Digital storytelling through online live museum theatre: unveiling archives, communicating intangible heritage, Digital Storytelling Festival by Europeana
21 May 2024 • Netherlands