Marko ŠuicaDr
Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade
Top skills
- Research, History Education
- Research, Academic History
- Consulting on History Education Projects
- Professional Development, History Education
Fields of expertise
- Political History
- Military History
- Cultural History
- Histories of Wars and Warfare
- Institutional and Legal Frameworks of History Education
- Cross-regional
- 14th Century
- 21st Century
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- English
- German
- Bosnian
- Croatian
- Montenegrin
- Serbian
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View CVPublications
M. Šuica, A. Radaković, S. Rudić, Where and how pupils in Serbia learn about the 1990s Yugoslav Wars?, Nationhood and Politicization of History in School Textbooks : Identity, the Curriculum and Educational Media, Palgrave Macmillan 2020, 127-154. M. Šuica, The Politics of Yıldırım Bayezid Toward Central Serbian Principalities, Uluslararasi Yildirim Bayezid sempozyumu 27-29 Kasım 2015, Bursa, Ankara 2019, 173-190. ISBN : 978-975-16-3631-7 M. Šuica, The Ottoman-Serbian Relations in The Framework of The Battle of Ankara 1402, Ankara 1402 Savaşı Çerçevesinde Osmanlı-Sırb İlişkileri Bütün yönleriyle, Çubuk ve çevresi, ii. uluslararasi sempozyumu, Ankara 2018, 97-97. ISBN: 978-605-61587-5-9 Šuica, Маrko, „Serbia“, у: The Palgrave Handbook of Conflict and History Education in the Post-Cold War Era, еd. Cajani, Luigi, Lässig, Simone, Repoussi, Maria, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 553-567. M.Šuica, S. Rudić, Princess Milica as the Ottoman vassal – one case of multifaceted Serbian-Ottoman relations at the end of 14th century, Çanakkale onsekiz mart Üniversitesi Balkan ve ege uygulama ve araştirma merkezi uluslararasi Balkan tarihi ve kültürü, Çanakkale 2017, 88-102. M.Šuica, Effects of early Ottoman conquests on the state and social structure of the Lazarević prinicipality, State and Society in the Balkans before and after establishment of Ottoman rule, Belgrade 2017, 7-21. M. Šuica, Bitwa na Kosowym Polu w 1389 r. U zrodel serbskiej tožsamosci narodowej, Wojna, pamieć, tožsamošć, O bitwach i mitach bitewnych, red. J.Piskorsky, Warszsawa 2012, 293-316. M. Šuica, The Image of the Battle of Kosovo (1389) Today: a Historic Event, a Moral Pattern, or the Tool of Political Manipulation, The Uses of the Middle Ages in Modern European States, History, Nationhood and the Search for Origins, R.J.W. Evans and Guy Marchal, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 152-175. M.Šuica, A. Radaković, New educational concepts in the reformed history teaching in Serbia. Limes Plus 2 (2020) 33-56
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