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International Organisation Resource

Education on the Holocaust and on Anti-Semitism: An Overview and Analysis of Educational Approaches

OSCE ODIHR   •   Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)   •   2005

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Levels and forms of education

Lower Secondary Education

Upper Secondary Education

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Historic approaches concerned

Cultural History

Social History

Historic period

Second World War

Countries or areas concerned

No data




This study emphasises the importance of a comprehensive approach to Holocaust education. It suggests that while Holocaust education should focus on the genocide of European Jews, it should also acknowledge and study the history of other victim groups, such as Roma and Sinti, the disabled, non-Jewish Poles, Soviet prisoners of war, political opponents, homosexuals, and others who were also persecuted by the National Socialists. The text study educators to discuss not only the victims but also the perpetrators, collaborators, and bystanders. The study suggest that pre-war context, including Jewish life in Europe before the Holocaust, the rise of the National Socialists, and the history of antisemitism, is deemed essential in Holocaust education. The aftermath of the war, including post-war trials and the establishment of international declarations and conventions, should also be included in the curriculum. The study also highlights the rise of antisemitism in the 21st century and calls for a reassessment of Holocaust education in addressing current manifestations of antisemitism.




peace education

comparative study


Jewish history

Roma history

history of persons with disabilities

World War II
