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Learning Materials for Teachers

Convoi 77

Multiple Authors

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Levels and forms of education

Lower Secondary Education

Upper Secondary Education

Resource type

Worksheets and informative texts

Primary Sources

Audio-visual materials (photographs, videos, movies, audio files)

Interactive formats (e.g. group work materials, board games, etc.)

Historic approaches concerned


Historic period

Second World War

Countries or areas concerned



English, French, Polish


The aim of the resources provided by Convoi-77 is to learn and make known the fate of 1306 men, women, children, who on the 31st of July1944 left Drancy for Auschwitz in cattle cars of the convoy 77. To continue the work of the survivors and to participate actively to the transmission of the memory of the Holocaust. To associate to our endeavour men and women of goodwill who believe that the combat against discrimination and hate means awareness of the processes that led to the Holocaust. We have for each deported basic information that could allow us to find their traces: Name, first name, maiden name for married women, date and place of birth. Thanks to the work of several years of research, we have managed to collect more than 50,000 documents relating to the deportees of convoy 77. We ​​offering secondary school students in each country concerned, to search in their town or village, the traces of these deportees who were born and lived where they live today, their grandparents may have met or even known. What we do: Keep searching for documents related to convoy 77, in France and in other countries, from indivduals and from dedicated organizations. Encourage and/or organize regular meetings for the families and friends of the deportees of convoy 77 in France and abroad. Organize and contribute to events (exhibitions, debates, lectures…) Participate in reflection groups, national and international events aiming to continue the transmission of the memory of the Holocaust. Continue collecting and disseminating testimonies after the passing away of the last surviving deportees. Lead any specific actions that can be used to pass on the remembrance of the Holocaust, and of the convoy 77 in particular. The project was presented during the European Innovation Days in History Education 2023, organised by the Council of Europe and European Union Joint Project "HISTOLAB". The opinions expressed in this work are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the Council of Europe.




World War II




education for democracy

human rights education

education for peace


