Learning Materials for Teachers
History#5 Teacher Guide
Paradigma Educational Foundation • 2022
Levels and forms of education
Lower Secondary Education
Upper Secondary Education
Resource type
Lesson plans
Worksheets and informative texts
Primary Sources
Interactive formats (e.g. group work materials, board games, etc.)
Historic approaches concerned
Gender History
Historic period
No data
Countries or areas concerned
Armenia, Europe, Eastern Europe
History#5 Vol 1 is a resource collection for gender history. The collection contains 240 primary source cards and a teacher's guide with five exemplary lesson plans to foster historical thinking and data analysis. History#5 covers five topics of Armenian history from the 19th-20th century. These topics are women's liberation policies and propaganda in the early Soviet era, pre-wedding and post-wedding ritual behaviors in traditional and modern Armenian societies, Armenian women's social and civic activism in the Ottoman and Russian empires and Persia, labor migration of Armenians from the Armenian Provinces of the Ottoman Empire, and public debates on the role of Armenian women in the Ottoman and Russian Empires. Paradigma's team co-authored History#5 with history professors from UCLA, UC Davis, MIT, Clark University, and the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography in Armenia. View the Teacher Guide and a sample of a Source Card in Armenian language. You can also see a video presentation about the project.
Women's History
source cards
lesson plans