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Promotion of the enjoyment of the cultural rights of everyone and respect for cultural diversity : resolution / adopted by the Human Rights Council

Promotion of the enjoyment of the cultural rights of everyone and respect for cultural diversity : resolution / adopted by the Human Rights Council   •   United Nations General Assembly   •   2014

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The Human Rights Council decides inter alia to hold, at its twenty-seventh session, a panel discussion on history teaching and memorialization processes with a view to, inter alia, contributing to the sharing of good practices in this area, and invites the High Commissioner to liaise with States, relevant United Nations bodies and agencies, relevant special procedures, in particular the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights and the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence, civil society and other stakeholders, with a view to ensuring their participation in the panel discussion


United Nations

UN General Assembly

UN Human Rights Council

cultural rights

history teaching


