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Teaching about the Holocaust in the 21st century

Jean-Michel Lecomte   •   Council of Europe   •   2001

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Levels and forms of education

Lower Secondary Education

Upper Secondary Education

Post Secondary Education

Teacher Training

Museum Memorials and Exhibitions

Other Levels and Forms of Education

Resource type

Conceptual or themathic publications

Guidelines and guidance for teaching

Historic approaches concerned

Cultural History

Gender History

Global History

Local History

Military History

Political History

Social History

Transnational History

Other Approaches

Historic period

19th Century

20th Century

21st Century

Countries or areas concerned



English, French


Teaching about the Holocaust in the 21st century was produced as part of the Council of Europe’s history project “Learning and teaching about the history of Europe in the 20th century”. This teaching resource, based on the work of such widely recognised authors as Raul Hilberg, Sir Martin Gilbert, Saul Friedlander and Christopher Browning, plus first-hand accounts (including those of Primo Levi, Hermann Langbein and Claude Lanzmann’s interviewees), offers teachers a body of knowledge for use in course planning. Included is a certain amount of material about the nature and implementation of the genocide in different countries, which should lend itself to work with older students on analysing nazism. Beyond any specific local characteristics, what emerges from the succinct descriptions of how and where this genocide was carried out is the comprehensiveness of the nazi enterprise.




Holocaust Education


Fact Sheets



Teaching Resources

Learning Materials

Jewish History

Roma History