International Organisation Resource
From the remembrance of the Holocaust to the prevention of radicalisation and crimes against humanity (PREV2)
European Youth Centre • Council of Europe • 2017
Levels and forms of education
Teacher Training
Resource type
Guidelines and guidance for teaching
Historic approaches concerned
Cultural History
Gender History
Global History
Local History
Military History
Political History
Social History
Transnational History
Historic period
No data
Countries or areas concerned
The past is full of warnings with all the atrocities that have happened which no one wants to see happen again. For Europe the Holocaust is certainly the worst memory of that kind. This course for pre-service and in-service teacher trainers will look at what can be done in education in a medium to long-term perspective to prevent such crimes from happening and to work for more sustainable and inclusive democratic societies. Radicalisation can be seen as one aspect that in the end can contribute to and/or lead to crimes against humanity. This course will explore the mechanisms at work and focus on how every teacher can contribute to this prevention. In particular it will look at how to strengthen values education (notably the coherence between one’s values and one’s behaviour), how critical observation and critical thinking can help to resist group pressure and blind obedience to authority and how these and similar educational efforts can contribute to preventing radicalisation and crimes against humanity. The participants will develop and test teaching and training materials which will be published afterwards and shall serve as examples of practice to be disseminated and developed further.
Holocaust Education
Teaching Materials
Teaching Resources
Jewish History
Roma History
Minority History
Migration History
Human Rights
Teacher Training Modules