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Multiperspectivity in History Teaching: a Guide for Teachers [available in 19 languages]

Robert Stradling   •   Council of Europe   •   2003

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Levels and forms of education

Lower Secondary Education

Upper Secondary Education

Resource type

Conceptual or themathic publications

Reference Documents

Worksheets and informative texts


Historic approaches concerned

Cultural History

Economic History

Environmental History

Gender History

Global History

Intellectual History

Local History


Military History

Political History

Social History

Transnational History

Other Approaches

Historic period

No data

Countries or areas concerned

No data


Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azeri, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, English, French, Georgian, Greek, Macedonian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Turkish, Ukrainian


This series of guides by Robert Stradling took as its inspiration the discussions at the Regional training seminars on “The beginnings of World War II in South East Europe” (Bled, Slovenia, October 2001) and “The challenges facing history teachers in the 21st Century in a regional context” (Budapest, November 2001). The teachers and the teacher trainers from all the countries of South East Europe expressed their need for examples of dealing with multiperspectivity which they could use in the classrooms. However, they indicated that they needed examples which did not directly relate to the situations in their countries. The examples provided can be adapted to the situations in the countries of South East Europe. Some of the examples are well known but the manner of dealing with them is innovative and the question of multiperspectivity has been dealt with in some of the regional training seminars both in the Stability Pact countries and in the republics of the former Soviet Union. The Guide now provides the basis for any training seminars for teachers. It is available in the following languages. Albanian Arab Armenian Azeri Bosnian Bulgarian Croatian English French Georgian Greek Macedonian Romanian Russian Slovenian Serbian Turkish Ukrainian



teachers' guide