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“New approaches in teaching history strengthening reconciliation, mutual understanding and tolerance in present-day society

Maria Luisa de Bivar Black   •   Council of Europe   •   2002

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Primary Education

Lower Secondary Education

Upper Secondary Education

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Conceptual or themathic publications

Event Summaries

Historic approaches concerned

Cultural History

Economic History

Gender History

Global History

Local History

Political History

Social History

Transnational History

Historic period

No data

Countries or areas concerned

Europe, Eastern Europe, Azerbaijan




The document is a summary of a seminar held in Baku, organized within the framework of the "Joint Programme of co-operation between the European Commission and the Council of Europe to strengthen democratic stability in South Caucasus," in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan. The seminar focused on the role of history teaching in promoting reconciliation, mutual understanding, and tolerance in the South Caucasus region. Its key objectives included discussing active learning methods in history lessons, working with various teaching materials, and sharing classroom practices to develop critical thinking among students. The seminar featured plenary sessions with expert presentations, open discussions, and group work, involving history teachers, teacher trainers, and textbook authors from Baku and different regions.



European Commission

Council of Europe

South Caucasus

Democratic Stability