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Partnerships for Educational Renewal. Council of Europe Education Activities in South-East Europe. Report prepared for UNESCO conference on Strengthening Co-operation in South-East Europe (4-5 April 2002)

Council of Europe   •   2002

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Lower Secondary Education

Upper Secondary Education

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Conceptual or themathic publications

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Other Approaches

Historic period

21st Century

Countries or areas concerned

Southeastern Europe, Europe, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina




This document outlines the activities conducted by the Council of Europe's Directorate of School, Out-of-School, and Higher Education in South-East Europe. The Council of Europe's mission in education involves fostering a democratic culture, supporting education policies and reforms based on pan-European standards and recommendations, and assisting member states with specific needs in achieving these goals. In South-East Europe, the Council of Europe plays a significant political role, as evidenced by informal conferences of Ministers of Education that took place in Strasbourg in 1999 and 2001. These conferences addressed issues such as education reform implementation, brain drain, and future educational cooperation in the region. The Council of Europe's involvement in South-East Europe extends beyond policy and advocacy to operational assistance, contributing practically and financially to educational reform, democratization, and stability. The document outlines various bilateral assistance activities focused on education legislation, policy, and standards. Additionally, the Education Directorate engages in regional cooperation through initiatives like the Stability Pact's Task Force on education and youth, where it coordinates working groups and supports grassroots projects. The Directorate is in the process of developing a Strategic Action Plan to prioritize and guide its work in South-East Europe, aiming to enhance collaboration and identify projects and partners for joint action.



Council of Europe

Southeast Europe


Stability Pact