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Report of the Regional Seminar "Teaching materials: controversial and sensitive issues, multiperspectivity", Ohrid, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 6-8 May 2001

Maria Luisa de Bivar Black   •   Council of Europe   •   2001

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Levels and forms of education

Lower Secondary Education

Upper Secondary Education

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Event Summaries

Historic approaches concerned

Political History

Other Approaches

Historic period

No data

Countries or areas concerned

Europe, Southeastern Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Republic of Moldova




This publication outlines the proceedings of the Regional Seminar on "Teaching materials: controversial and sensitive issues, multiperspectivity," which was a part of the Stability Pact program with funding from Austria and Switzerland. Organized jointly by the Council of Europe, the Ministry of Education of "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia," the Council of Europe's Information Office in Skopje, and EUROCLIO (European Standing Conference of History Teachers’ Associations), the seminar convened history educators from various countries in South East Europe in Ohrid. The seminar's focus was on examining controversial and sensitive topics found in 20th-century history textbooks, encouraging critical evaluation, and promoting multiperspectivity in history education. The seminar aimed to facilitate open debate and idea-sharing among participants. It featured workshops where attendees were divided into groups to explore different strategies for addressing controversial and sensitive issues in the classroom, using various teaching resources such as newspapers and photographs. Additionally, roundtable sessions delved into sensitive historical topics specific to South East European history, critically assessed textbooks, and identified avenues for future work. The publication underscores the seminar's importance as the beginning of a potential process leading to the reform of history education in various education systems in the region, a priority acknowledged by all participants.



Stability Pact

Enhanced Graz Process

Council of Europe

Regional cooperation