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RESOLUTION (52) 17 - History and Geography Textbooks

Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe   •   1952

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Adopted by the Committee of Ministers at its 10th Session (19 March 1952) Full text of the Resolution: The Committee of Ministers, Considering that it approved a Recommendation adopted by the Consultative Assembly in 1949 on the revision of history and geography textbooks, recommends that Member Governments should give special consideration to the question of revision of textbooks on history and geography within the framework of existing bilateral conventions and, where such conventions do not exist, by concluding suitable bilateral arrangements, and further recommends that such assistance as may be feasible should be given to both official and private bodies engaged on the revision of textbooks on history and geography and that facilities should be granted to organisations and persons working on this problem to enable them to have textbooks at their disposal; and that, in addition, this work of revision should include audio-visual aids used in the teaching of history and geography, especially maps, pictures, wall pictures, lanternslides and films.


Council of Europe

Committee of Ministers

History Teaching


Intergovernmental cooperation
