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Recommendation CM/Rec(2011)6 - Intercultural dialogue and the image of the other in history teaching

Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe   •   2011

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Levels and forms of education

Primary Education

Lower Secondary Education

Upper Secondary Education

Resource type

Recommendations, Resolutions, Decisions

Historic approaches concerned

Cultural History

Transnational History

Historic period

No data

Countries or areas concerned

Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Southeastern Europe, Northern Europe, Western Europe, Southern Europe




The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted Recommendation CM/Rec(2011)6 on intercultural dialogue and the image of the other in history teaching on 6 July 2011. This recommendation underscores the importance of history teaching as a means to foster intercultural dialogue and understanding. It calls on member states to consider principles outlined in the recommendation in their educational reforms, encourage activities related to history teaching, and develop skills for intercultural dialogue in both teachers and students. The document also highlights the significance of diverse and pluralistic history teaching materials, media education, and partnerships between schools and other institutions involved in history education. The recommendation aims to promote an appreciation of cultural diversity, understanding of shared histories, and the ability to engage in productive intercultural dialogue, particularly in complex, multicultural, and post-conflict settings. It underscores the role of history teaching in teaching future citizens to "live together" in an ever-changing, culturally diverse world.


Council of Europe

Committee of Ministers

Intercultural Dialogue

Shared histories

European dimension