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First HISTOLAB Tutorial on teaching gender perspectives published


Main stakeholder

HISTOLAB - European Union & Council of Europe Joint Project







On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, HISTOLAB released its first tutorial on how to integrate gender perspectives in history teaching as part its tutorial series offering practical guidance to teachers to embrace innovative approaches on the selected topics. The tutorials are an opportunity to share resources and concrete ways how to use them in practice. In this first tutorial on teaching gender history, Georgina Christou (University of Cyprus) showcases materials and teaching practices that allow teachers to meaningfully address women's history, while Gabriella KOMOLY (Zachor Foundation, Hungary) demonstrates possibilities to teach about the persecution of LGBTQI+ persons under the Nazi regime based on the digital archive “iWitness” created by the USC Shoah Foundation. Further tutorials are planned for instance on how to teach about the Holocaust or how to include Roma history in the teaching practice. Besides these, also other tutorials are planned that will introduce teachers to feasible ways to utilise video games, role play, war photography or the reflection on public monuments in history education. The tutorials will be included both in the tutorials section and in the media library of the HISTOLAB Digital Hub.

Thematic focus

Gender History

Primary Schools

Secondary Schools

Teacher Training

Project partners

Georgina Christou Details
Zachor Foundation Details

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