1. Introducing a Gender Perspective in History Teaching:
HISTOLAB Tutorial - Introducing a Gender Perspective in History Teaching
This HISTOLAB Tutorial showcases ways in which history educators can integrate gender perspectives into their teaching practice. They offer practical guidance by presenting both suitable methods and resources to use in the classroom. While in the first half, Dr Georgina CHRISTOU (University of Cyprus) showcases materials and teaching practices that allow teachers to meaningfully address women's history, in the second half Gabriella KOMOLY (Zachor Foundation, Hungary) demonstrates ways to teach about the persecution of LGBTQI+ persons under the Nazi regime based on the digital archive iWitness of the USC Shoah Foundation
Links to the resources presented in the tutorial:
A) How to introduce gender in history teaching →
D)iWitness (by the USC Shoah Foundation) →
2. How to teach about Roma history and culture
HISTOLAB Tutorial - How to teach about Roma history and culture
In this HISTOLAB Tutorial dedicated to teaching Roma history and culture, Dr. Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, Deputy Director of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture presents an impressive range of resources available on the topic produced by the Institute, as well as Council of Europe standards, resources and publications in relation to teaching Roma history.
Links to the resources presented in the tutorial:
B) The Representation of Roma in European Curricula and Textbooks →
D) Barvalipe Online University →
E) Gypsies, Roma, Travellers: An Animated History →
F) Mirrors – Manual on combating antigypsyism through human rights education →
G) RomArchive →
H) Re-thinking Roma Resistance →
3. Multiperspectivity and Monuments
HISTOLAB Tutorial - Multiperspectivity and Monuments
Arthur Chapman is Professor of History Education and Head of Department of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, University College London. In this fascinating tutorial, Prof. Chapman shows how multiperspectivity is used when helping students interpret monuments, with concrete examples for each case.
A) On the presences and absences of pasts →
4. From victims to heroes, how to teach about the Roma Holocaust
HISTOLAB Tutorial - From victims to heroes, how to teach about the Roma Holocaust
In the latest HISTOLAB Tutorial, Dr. Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, Deputy Director of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture advises on how to teach about the devastating history of the Roma Holocaust. To ensure that the stories of Roma during the Second World War are both fully acknowledged and understood in the context of antigypsyism, she presents many valuable resources created by the Institute, museums, the Council of Europe, and many more available materials that firmly place Roma voices at the centre of their own history.
A) Chronology of the Roma Holocaust – Council of Europe →
B) Education for Remembrance of the Roma Genocide: Scholarship, Commemoration, and the Role of Youth →
C) Elses Geschichte – Else’s Story →
D) European Holocaust Memorial Day for Sinti and Roma →
E) Film – How I became a Partisan →
F) Right to Remember: A handbook for education with young people on the Roma Genocide →
H) Roma Resistance during the Holocaust and its aftermath →
J) United States Holocaust Memorial Museum →
5. Multiperspectivity through role-play
Histolab Tutorial - Multiperspectivity through role-play
Bridget Martin is a history teacher and member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Observatory on History Teaching in Europe. In this tutorial, Bridget explains how role-play can enhance students’ understanding of multiperspectivity in history by looking at the different points of view of those involved in historical events. Bridget uses different examples, including more contested histories as well as famous social movements, to inspire students to critically analyse the experiences of the people they learn about in their history classes. She offers different approaches and resources to assist teachers as they begin to utilise this teaching method in their classrooms.
D) Beyond the bubble - Digital Inquiries Group →
E) Civic Online Reasoning - Digital Inquiries Group →
F) Reading like a Historian - Digial Inquiries Group →
6. Videogames in the history classroom
Created in collaboration with the Historical Games Network, this tutorial explores how teachers can begin to use historical videogames in their classes, taking two games developed by Charles Games (Attentat 1942 and Svoboda 1945) as leading examples. The experts in the video, Esther Wright, Iain Donald and Nick Webber, take turns in explaining how these two games can be used to learn about Czech history during and after the Second World War. They highlight general principles and guidelines in using videogames in history classes, as well as possible challenges that this innovative practice might pose.
A) Adapting contested national history for global audiences in Attentat 1942 and Svoboda 1945: Liberation →
B) Gameplay Trailer for Attentat 1942 →
C) Gameplay Trailer for Svoboda 1945 →
D) Attentat 1942, with video commentary from a member of the team at Charles Games →
E) Svoboda 1945, with video commentary from a member of the team at Charles Games →
F) Interview with Vit Šisler about Svoboda 1945 →
7. Teaching about war conflicts in the area of former Yugoslavia
Join history teaching expert Bojana Dujković Blagojević as she explores how to use photography to teach about the complex history of the wars in the former Yugoslavia. Discover how to use a nuanced and modern approach to teach about very recent history. The tutorial analyses the difficult historical context through the perspectives of different groups involved, such as politicians, soldiers and civilians, including children whose day to day reality was mired by conflict and war.
A) War(s) in pictures - a pedagogical tool about teaching war conflicts in the area of former Yugoslavia →
HISTOLAB has produced a series of tutorials to encourage innovation in history education based on multi-perspectivity, the appreciation for diversity and the promotion of human rights and democracy. The tutorials give practical guidance to modernise history teaching and offer innovative approaches to selected topics. The tutorials present different resources and demonstrate concrete ways to use them in the classroom. By presenting topics that are fundamentally important today from different historical perspectives, such innovative history teaching will strengthen learners’ appreciation for democracy and their self-awareness as democratic citizens.