Emma AbbateDr
No institution name
Top skills
- Research, Academic History
- Research, History Education
- Consulting on History Education Projects
- Professional Development, History Education
Fields of expertise
- Intellectual History
- History of Anti-Semitism
- Holocaust
- Teaching
- Consultation
- Research
- Cooperation
- Education & professional qualification
Looks for
- Cooperation
- Project Partners
- Job opportunities
About me
I’m a teacher of IGCSE History and Geography in English and I have been teaching since 1998-99, I am specialized in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). I teach in Cambridge International IGCSE® High School (Liceo Scientifico) A. Diaz (Caserta), I'm trainer and author of digital content and free-lance researcher. I am an intercultural mediator and teacher of Italian as a Second Language (L2) to adults. I cooperate with the University of Naples L’ Orientale as an expert in CLIL Masters courses and I gained specific expertise in Erasmus+ project management as coordinator of several projects funded by the EU. I hold a BA in Literature, Latin, History and Geography teaching, MA in e-Learning and CLIL, and Ph.D. in History (University Federico II-Naples). I attended several master's degrees in teaching methodology and use of ICT, a Specialization Master in teaching students with special needs at the secondary level and a Diploma for teaching Italian as a Foreign Language, both held by Orientale in Naples. I have far-reaching experience in continuous Professional development for teachers, teacher trainers, Headteachers (e-learning courses, blended courses, on-the-job, workshops) in the Italian context and also in international communities of peers on CLIL, Language Teaching, Technology Enhanced Language Teaching (TELL). I'm a Scientix ambassador and member of the Europeana Italian user group. I have presented papers at national and international conferences and published articles in peer-reviewed journals. Areas of expertise: Holocaust education, Transnational cooperation, international project planning and management, higher education, school education, CLIL, ICT, Historical research, e-learning, language learning, languages for specific purposes, Italian as a Foreign Language, blended learning, TELL, CALL, EFL, MALL, teacher training, schoo
- Italian
- English
Background information
2023 Lexical approach and social reading in CLIL settings: Two strategies to support LSP students with functional vocabulary and discipline-specific communication skills in Vranova, M. (Ed.), New to the LSP classroom? A selection of monographs on successful practices, Vernon Press, 2023. pp 147-168 La mia storia di educazione alla lettura In Fare scuola con le storie a cura di Rosa Tiziana Bruno Erickson pp. 39-42 The Remediation of the Holocaust Narratives in the History Classroom European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) https://www.ehri-project.eu/education-remediation-holocaust-narratives-history-classroom Smart visual media and cultural heritage. Thinglink: an immersive and innovative tool to explore Jewish cemeteries https://www.centropa.org/en/education-material/smart-visual-media-and-cultural-heritage-thinglink-immersive-and-innovative-tool 2022 Aldo Moro: un percorso didattico tra Letteratura e cinema in “Aldo Moro e L’Italia repubblicana” a cura di Fausto benedetti e Giovanni Iannuzzi. pp.197-206 IUL Press Challenging stereotypes and preconceptions in History: how to recognize and dismantle them in Euroclio Bullettin, Autumn 2022, pp. 20-23 La Speranza è quella cosa con le piume... e con i Bits. La poesia attraverso la lente del pensiero computazionale in BRICKS n.6 - 2022 http://www.rivistabricks.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/06_2022_09_Abbate.pdf Pollinator Park: un ambiente immersivo per lo studio dell’educazione civica In: Bricks n. 5, 2022, pp. 100-108. ISSN: 2239-6187 http://www.rivistabricks.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/05_2022_12_Abbate.pdf L’Ermafroditismo tra Mitologia e Scienza Teaching with Europeana https://teachwitheuropeana.eun.org/learning-scenarios/lermafroditismo-tra-mitologia-e-scienza-it-cur-751/ Challenging Stereotypes and Preconceptions in History: How to recognize and dismantle them In Euroclio website blog: https://euroclio.eu/2022/08/24/challenging-stereotypes-and-preconceptions-in-history-how-to-recognize-and-dismantle-them/ Application of CEFR Companion Volume descriptors in CLIL settings. In North, B., Piccardo, E., Goodier, T., Fasoglio, D., Margonis, R., & Rüschoff, B. (Eds.) Enriching 21st century language education: The CEFR Companion Volume, examples from practice. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing. April 2022 ISBN 978-92-871-8846-5 pp.155-167 https://rm.coe.int/enriching-21st-century-language-education-the-cefr-companion-volume-in/1680a68ed0 European Schoolnet Academy. Europeana Fundation The Mad Mina and the invisible gender https://teachwitheuropeana.eun.org/learning-scenarios/the-mad-mina-and-the-invisible-gender-ls-it/ S.O.C: Save Our Coasts (and Souls) European CommissionDirectorate-General for Research and InnovationHealthy Planet –C3 -Climate and Planetary Boundaries http://storage.eun.org/resources/upload/219/20220128_104851134_219_NBS-LS-Abbate.pdf Coding with App Inventor for teaching sustainability and Nature based solutions, pp. 42-46 In: Project EduRegio: Digital Regions for Education PUBLISHER Direcció General d’Innovació, Digitalització i Recerca Educativa del Departament d’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Via Augusta 202-206 08021 Barcelona, Spain https://repositori.educacio.gencat.cat/bitstream/handle/20.500.12694/2708/classroom_kits_actions_schools_annex_2021.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y Movimento maker, robotica educativa e ambienti di apprendimento innovativi a scuola e in DAD. Riflessioni a seguito del Convegno FabLearn Italy 2020 cured by: Beatrice Miotti, Lorenzo Guasti, David Scaradozzi, Margherita Di Stasio, Laura Screpanti Collana: INDIRE Carrocci Editore Title: “L’utilizzo di Mozilla Hubs per una didattica immersiva” pp.169-176 ISBN: 9788829012817 https://www.fablearn.it/l-utilizzo-di-mozilla-hubs-per-una-didattica-immersiva/ Plurilingvismul – între deziderat şi realitate (XV) „Philologica Jassyensia”, an XVII, nr. 2 (34), 2021, p. 255–262 Mediation, Multilingual Competence, online Interaction: Companion Volume Descriptors as CLIL Activators Tasks. https://www.philologica-jassyensia.ro/upload/XVII_2_ABBATE.pdf ISSN online 2247-8353 European Schoolnet Academy. Europeana Foundation: Everyone’s a freak https://teachwitheuropeana.eun.org/learning-scenarios/everyones-a-freak-en-cur-614/ The never ending search for the perfect body https://teachwitheuropeana.eun.org/learning-scenarios/the-never-ending-search-for-the-perfect-body-ls-it-528/ 2020 Promuovere l'innovazione nell'educazione STEM utilizzando i giochi come catalizzatore : Un caso di studio di educazione al cambiamento climatico attraverso Minecraft In: IUL Research Open Journal, Vol. 1 n. 2 (2020) Innovation in STEM learning; pp. 224-235. https://iulresearch.iuline.it/index.php/IUL-RES/article/view/73/108 How to Implement the CLIL Approach Using The EU Digital Platforms Europeana and Go-Lab ICC JOURNAL-Volume-2-Issue-3_v2.pdf Volume 2 Issue3 Winter 2020 pp.55-58 https://icc-languages.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/ICC- Addressing the Global Climate Crisis in Your Classroom Creative classrooms: a gamified approach to climate change with Minecraft https://www.schooleducationgateway.eu/downloads/curated/Climate_Emma_Abbate.pdf E-CLIL scaffolding: text's adaptation using ICT learning aids in Proceedings of the Proceedings Conference. Selected Papers. 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "Crossroads of Languages and Cultures: Languages and cultures at home and at school" Rethymno, Crete, 1-3 June 2018, pp. 372-387. https://clc5.ediamme.edc.uoc.gr/el/selected-papers-clc5/ ISBN 978-960-98062-8-2 Europeana. European Schoolnet Academy: Implementation of ‘Geometry Hidden Behind the Old Walls’ https://teachwitheuropeana.eun.org/stories-of-implementation/implementation-of-geometry-hidden-behind-the-old-walls-soi-ext-187/ 2019 DDL & CLIL IntegrationLearning Activities and Resources Based on the Use of Corpora for CLIL Geography in a Cambridge International IGCSE® High School in Italy EL.LE Vol. 8 - Num. 2 - July 2019 pp. 287-304 DOI 10.30687 / ELLE / 2280-6792 / 2019/02/002 https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/media/pdf/article/elle/2019/2/art-10.14277-ELLE-2280-6792-2019-02-002.pdf 2018 CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) & CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) blend: how to model CLIL lessons towards a language friendly learning environment using technology In Proceedings of MAC 2018, pp. 252-260 MAC Prague Consulting Ltd. ISBN 978-80-88085-22-5 Sustainable E-CLIL: Adapting Texts And Designing Suitable Reading Material for CLIL Lessons Using Simple ICT Learning Aids In Pixel International Conference Proceedings. 11 Edition. Libreriauniversitaria.it Pixel International Conference Proceedings. 11 Edition. ISBN code 978-88-85813-21-2 https://conference.pixel-online.net/ICT4LL/files/ict4ll/ed0011/Conference%20Proceedings.pdf 2017 SHELTER CLIL in Multilingual Classes Languages for Specific Purposes in Higher Education. Current Trends, Approaches and Issues. Institute of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology. ISBN: 978-80-214-5558-0 http://www.uj.fme.vutbr.cz/lspct/cd/pdf/P01-Abbate.pdf The article is indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection 2015 A modular didactic path of history in clil methodology: “the slavery in: De Meo Anna (edited by), From CLIL to ESP. The teacher's perspective, University of Naples L'Orientale, pp. 349-368; The Torcoliere. ISBN: 978-88-6719-077-5. http://www.unior.it/ateneo/13468/1/pubblicazioni.html 2000 The Jesuits and the Bourbon government during the second restoration in Naplesin "Sacred Campania, vol. 31, pp. 121-167. 1999 Jesuit culture in Naples on the eve of 1848 between innovation and tradition: Father Francesco Manera, in the Historical Archive of the Neapolitan Provinces, CXVII, pp. 263-322. 1997 Father Luigi Taparelli d'Azeglio and education in Jesuit colleges in the 19th centuryin the Historical Archive for the Neapolitan Provinces, a. CXV, Naples 1997, pp. 467-516 1996 The Company of Jesus in Naples during the First Bourbon Restoration in "Clio", XXXII, pp.19-50
I’m a teacher of IGCSE History and Geography in English and I have been teaching since 1998-99, I am specialized in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). I teach in Cambridge International IGCSE® High School (Liceo Scientifico) A. Diaz (Caserta), I'm a trainer and author of digital content and a free-lance researcher. I am an intercultural mediator and teacher of Italian as a Second Language (L2) to adults. I cooperate with the University of Naples L’ Orientale as an expert in CLIL Masters courses and I gained specific expertise in Erasmus+ project management as coordinator of several projects funded by the EU. I hold a BA in Literature, Latin, History, and Geography teaching, MA in e-Learning and CLIL, and Ph.D. in History (University Federico II-Naples). I attended several master's degrees in teaching methodology and use of ICT, a Specialization Master in teaching students with special needs at the secondary level and a Diploma for teaching Italian as a Foreign Language, both held by Orientale in Naples. I have far-reaching experience in continuous Professional development for teachers, teacher trainers, and Headteachers (e-learning courses, blended courses, on-the-job, workshops) in the Italian context and also in international communities of peers on CLIL, Language Teaching, and Technology Enhanced Language Teaching (TELL). I'm a mother of 2, a voracious reader, insatiable curious, hungry for life, and wanderlusting traveler I am a Scientix ambassador, a member of the STEM Career Advisor Network, the European Digital Education Hub Accelerator, the focus team of the European Film Factory, and the panel of Lead Teachers of the 3Rs pilot project of EUN (European Schoolnet Academy). I have presented papers at national and international conferences and published articles in peer-reviewed journals. Areas of expertise: Holocaust education, Transnational cooperation, international project planning and management, higher education, school education, CLIL, ICT, Historical research, e-learning, language learning, languages for specific purposes, Italian as a Foreign Language, blended learning, TELL, CALL, EFL, MALL, teacher training, school innovation.
Contributions to the Histolab Digital Hub
Who wants whom to remember what, and why? Insights from the Practice of European Holocaust Education: Experiences in Italy and Europe European Workshop on Multiperspective Approaches in Holocaust Education and Remebrance
25 - 27 October 2023 • Italy
MuRem Multiperspective Holocaust Remembrance in Contemporary Europe