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Sebastian BarschProf. Dr.

University of Cologne

Top skills

  • Research, Academic History
  • Research, History Education
  • Consulting on History Education Projects
  • Professional Development, History Education
  • Advocacy of good practices in history education

Fields of expertise

  • Environmental History
  • Gender History
  • Cultural History
  • Global History
  • Social History
  • Other Approaches
  • Histories of Discrimination and Persecution
  • History of Anti-Semitism
  • History of Colonialism
  • History of History Education
  • History of Persons with Disabilities
  • Research on History Education
  • Theoretical and Epistemological Questions


  • No offers yet

Looks for

  • No requests yet

About me

I am a professor of history education at the University of Cologne, Germany. I have studied history, philosophy, and special education, and worked as a teacher for several years before joining the university as a researcher. My research focuses on inclusive teaching, professional research on teachers, critical data literacy in the context of the humanities, and the history of disability. I am a member of several national and international professional associations and serve as a consultant to research and educational institutions.”


  • English
  • German
  • Spanish



Background information


See: https://www.sebastianbarsch.de/p/veroffentlichungen.html


- inclusive history teaching - history education in the anthrocene - special needs education

Contributions to the Histolab Digital Hub

4 Sep

Call for abstract for Participation in conferences, workshops or lectures

History Education, Diversity and Inclusion (HEDI) 2025

Deadline: 30 November 2024

Sebastian Barsch, University of Cologne, Franzika Rein, University Hildesheim


History Education, Diversity and Inclusion (HEDI) 2025

Deadline: n/a

Sebastian Barsch, University of Cologne, Franzika Rein, University Hildesheim