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Resource Hub (146 results)

Learning Materials for Teachers

EFREC / European Forum for Reconciliation

Leibniz Institute for Educational Media / Georg-Eckert-Institute

History textbooks, Learning materials, Textbook revision, Curricula, Recommendations, Reports, Peace, Reconciliation

Learning Materials for Teachers

Football Makes History

EuroClio et al.

Sports History, Football, Soccer

Learning Materials for Teachers

Forced Labour 1939-1945 / Zwangsarbeit 1939-1945 / Nucená práce 1939-1945 / Принудительный труд 1939-1945

Freie Universität Berlin, German Historical Museum & EVZ Foundation

Nazi Germany, Roma, Roma genocide, Holocaust, forced labour, concentration camps, oral history, Zwangsarbeit, Sinti, Roma and Travellers, Second World War, World War II

Historical Sources Regarding History Education

GEI Digital - The Digital Textbook Library

Leibniz Institute for Educational Media / Georg-Eckert-Institute

Historical textbooks, Leibniz Institute for Educational Media, Georg Eckert Institute

Governmental Resources

GEI-DZS – Database of Approved Textbooks

Leibniz Institute for Educational Media / Georg-Eckert-Institute

Geography, History, Textbook, Social Studies, Politics

Governmental Resources


Leibniz Institute for Educational Media / Georg Eckert Institute

Textbook database

Learning Materials for Teachers

Gypsies, Roma, Travellers: An Animated History

ERIAC - European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture

Individual Resource
Roma history, Roma sinti, video

International Organisation Resource

Histoires partagées pour une Europe sans clivages

Council of Europe   •   Council of Europe   •   2014

Individual Resource
dossier pédagogique, multiperspectivité, empathie historique, sources historiques, éducation, droits de l'homme, histoire de l'art, révolution industrielle, colonisation, guerre mondiale, musée, sites historiques, communisme

International Organisation Resource

HISTOLAB Tutorial - Introducing Gender Perspectives in History Teaching

Georgina Christou & Zachor Foundation   •   European Union & Council of Europe   •   2024

Individual Resource
HISTOLAB Tutorials, LGBTQI+ history, Nazi persecution, Zachor Foundation, USC Shoah Foundation, Association for Historical Dialogue and Research, teacher training, women's history, gender history

Learning Materials for Teachers


Multiple Authors   •   EuroClio   •   2022

Multiperspectivity, Historical Content, Learning Activities, European History, Colonialism, Europe

Learning Materials for Teachers

History#5 Teacher Guide

Paradigma Educational Foundation   •   2022

Individual Resource
Women's History, Armenia, source cards, guidebook, lesson plans

International Organisation Resource

History and History Teaching in South Eastern Europe - The Graz Process Workshop Report (1-2 October 1999, Graz, Austria)

Robert Stradling   •   Council of Europe   •   1999

Individual Resource
Council of Europe, Graz Process, History Teaching

Learning Materials for Teachers


Multiple Authors   •   Universities of Murcia, Porto, Bologna, Amsterdam, Malmö and Helsinki

Europe, rural/urban histories, family life, everyday life, power and powers, terror, violence, conflict, justice, injustice, persecution, women, gender equality, travels, chruches and religion, science and culture, primary sources, digital archive

Learning Materials for Teachers

Hi-story lessons

Multiple Authors   •   European Network Remembrance and Solidarity

ENRS, multiperspectivity, history teaching

International Organisation Resource

History Teaching and Education for Democratic Citizenship (Seminar Report, Tbilissi, 19 – 20 November 1998)

Alan McCully   •   Council of Europe   •   1998

Individual Resource
Council of Europe, history teaching, democratic citizenship education

International Organisation Resource

History teaching in schools in the North Caucasus. Seminar report

Lyudmila Aleksashkina   •   Council of Europe   •   2003

Individual Resource
social history, cultural history, North Caucasus, multiperspectivity, Council of Europe, European Commission, reconciliation, democratic culture, democratic stability

International Organisation Resource

History Teaching Materials on 1992- 1995 in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Building Trust or Deepening Divides?

Heike Karge   •   Organisation for Security and Co operation in Europe (OSCE)   •   2023

Individual Resource
Balkans, history teaching materials, monumental history, critical history, peace education, conflict, war, genocide, Bosna i Hercegovina, OSCE, Босна и Херцеговина, Srebrenica, Sarajevo, Bosnian war

International Organisation Resource

Holocaust Memorial Days in the OSCE Region

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) / ODIHR

Holocaust education, OSCE, memorials, heritage, remembrance

Learning Materials for Teachers

House of European History - Resources for Classroom Activities

House of European History   •   House of European History   •   2022

Europe, EU, House of European History, Museum, Migration, Conflict, Identity, Critical Thinking Skills, Human Rights

Learning Materials for Teachers

How to Introduce Gender in History Teaching

Association for Historical Dialogue and Research   •   2015

Individual Resource
gender, gender history, women's history, worksheets, equality, gender equality, social history, teaching materials, lesson plans