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Resource Hub (186 results)

Learning Materials for Teachers

Joint History Books / Librat e Historisë së përbashkët / Zajedničke knjige historije / Cъвместни исторически книги / Κοινά Βιβλία Ιστορίας / Zajedničke knjige povijesti/Заједничке књиге историје

Multiple Authors (Series Editor: Christina Koulouri)   •   Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe (CDRSEE)   •   2016

Transnational History, Joint History, Balkans, Kosovo, Balkan, Multiperspectivity, Comparative History, Nation Building, State Building, Reconciliation, Regional History

International Organisation Resource

Kosovo non-majority communities within the primary and secondary educational systems

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) - Mission in Kosovo   •   2009

Individual Resource
Education equity, Balkans, Kosovo*, diversity, history education, minority communities, OSCE

International Organisation Resource

La musique dans le système concentrationaire nazi. Manuel pédagogique pour les enseignants

Forum Voix Etouffées-CEMUT, Conseil de l'Europe   •   Council of Europe   •   2013

Individual Resource
Mémoire, art, Shoah, Auschwitz-Birkenau, musique, Theresienstadt, concentration camps, Konzentrationslager, KZ

International Organisation Resource

"Learning and Teaching about the History of Europe in the 20th Century in Secondary Schools" (Seminar Report, 11-13 December 1997)

Robert Stradling   •   Council of Europe   •   1997

Individual Resource
Council of Europe, history teaching

Learning Materials for Teachers

Learning history that is not yet history

Multiple Authors   •   Documenta, Hipmont, Association for Social History UDI - Euroclio, EuroClio HIP BiH, The Association for the Education and Promotion of Human Right   •   2016

1990s, Post-Yugoslav Wars, Yugoslavia, Yugoslav wars, Balkans, Western Balkans, SFRY, SFRJ, Jugoslavija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Srbija, Slovenija, Sjeverna Makedonija, Kosovo, Wars, Conflict, Reconciliation, Multiperspectivity, Rat, Devedesete

International Organisation Resource

Lessons in history. The Council of Europe and the teaching of history

Council of Europe   •   Council of Europe   •   1999

Individual Resource
Council of Europe, International organisation, New History, New Europe, European Cultural Routes, European Heritage Days, school twinnings, local history, History Textbooks and Teaching, art exhibitions, museums and education, multiperspectivity, tolerance, peace

International Organisation Resource

Meeting of the Working Group on “Meeting of Experts on History Teaching –Japan and the Russian Federation" (Tokyo, 25-27 October 2000)

Council of Europe   •   2000

Individual Resource
Council of Europe, Activities for the Development and Consolidation of Democratic Stability (ADACS), History Teaching, Bilateral cooperation

International Organisation Resource

Mirrors. Manual on combating antigypsyism through Human Rights Education

Council of Europe   •   2015

Individual Resource
Anti-gypsyism, racism, Roma, Roma and Travellers, Sinti, Human Rights Education, Youth Action Plan, Council of Europe

International Organisation Resource

Multiperspectivity in History Teaching: a Guide for Teachers [available in 19 languages]

Robert Stradling   •   Council of Europe   •   2003

Individual Resource
multiperspectivity, teachers' guide

International Organisation Resource


Multiple Authors   •   Council of Europe   •   2004

Individual Resource
Cyprus, multiperspectivity, shared histories

International Organisation Resource

“New approaches in teaching history strengthening reconciliation, mutual understanding and tolerance in present-day society

Maria Luisa de Bivar Black   •   Council of Europe   •   2002

Individual Resource
EU, European Commission, Council of Europe, South Caucasus, Democratic Stability

Historical Sources Regarding History Education

On the Presences and Absences of Pasts

Arthur Chapman   •   Public History Weekly   •   2019

Etymology, historical culture, memory, statue, historical thinking, institution, restitution, destitution

Learning Materials for Teachers

Parallel Histories

Multiple Authors   •   Parallel Histories

Conflict, Multiperspectivity, Competing Narratives, Jews, Muslims, Post-Colonialism, Palestine, Churchill, USSR, Algérie, Scotland, England, Leaders, Wars, Stalin, Putin, Thatcher, Castro, Napoleon, USA, Hindus, Pakistan, India, Sunni, Shi'a, Erasmus+, Cold War, Cromwell, Valera

International Organisation Resource

Partnerships for Educational Renewal. Council of Europe Education Activities in South-East Europe. Report prepared for UNESCO conference on Strengthening Co-operation in South-East Europe (4-5 April 2002)

Council of Europe   •   2002

Individual Resource
UNESCO, Council of Europe, Southeast Europe, Balkans, Stability Pact

International Organisation Resource

Pour un enseignement de l'Histoire de qualité au XXIe Siècle - Principes et lignes directrices

Conseil de l'Europe   •   Conseil de l'Europe   •   2018

Individual Resource
démocratie, culture démocratique, dialogue interculturel, multiperspectivité, compétences, aptitudes, compréhension critique, valeurs, attitudes, égalité, tolérance, questions controversées, questions sensibles, propagande, évaluation

International Organisation Resource

Project “The Image of the Other in History Teaching”. Seminar "Contact and interaction: the image of the Muslim world in history learning in Europe" (Strasbourg 9-10 October 2006)

Council of Europe   •   2006

Individual Resource
Muslim World, Image of the Other in History Teaching, Europe, Council of Europe

International Organisation Resource

Project “The image of the other in history teaching” Seminar “Teaching and learning the diversity of histories and the history of diversity” (Strasbourg, 18-19 June 2007) Summary of discussions

Council of Europe   •   2007

Individual Resource
Cultural Diversity, Europe, Council of Europe, Seminar, Intergovernmental Programme, Image of the Other

International Organisation Resource

Promoting knowledge of contributions to world history civilization, as well as building on UNESCO's theme of Breaking the silence though its teachings about the Transatlantic Slave Route Project in other parts of the world : background paper

Elizabeth Khawajkie   •   UNHCHR   •   2002

Individual Resource
United Nations, UN, UNESCO, Slave Trade, World History

International Organisation Resource

Promotion of the enjoyment of the cultural rights of everyone and respect for cultural diversity : resolution / adopted by the Human Rights Council

Promotion of the enjoyment of the cultural rights of everyone and respect for cultural diversity : resolution / adopted by the Human Rights Council   •   United Nations General Assembly   •   2014

Individual Resource
United Nations, UN General Assembly, UN Human Rights Council, cultural rights, history teaching, memorialisation, memorialization, memory

International Organisation Resource

Quality history education in the 21st century - Principles and guidelines

Council of Europe   •   Council of Europe   •   2018

Individual Resource
democracy, democratic culture, intercultural dialogue, multiperspectivity, competences, skills, critical understanding, values, attitudes, equality, tolerance, controversial issues, sensitive, propaganda, information and communication technologies, assessment