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Resource Hub (68 results)

International Organisation Resource

Against Bias and Prejudice

Council of Europe   •   Council of Europe   •   1995

Individual Resource
European dimension, European idea, Social Studies, Colonialism, Changing borders, Democratic values, Tolerance, Democratic transition, Confidence Building

International Organisation Resource

A look at our past

Association for Historical Dialogue and Research & Council of Europe   •   Council of Europe   •   2011

Individual Resource
teaching pack, mutual understanding, multiperspectivity, empathy, assessment, democracy, diversity, multi-cultural societies, peace, reconciliation, post-conflict

Learning Materials for Teachers

Choices Program

A self-funded organization affiliated with the Department of History at Brown University.   •   1989

Educational resources, Teaching materials, Curriculum, Historiography, Teacher Training, Inclusive History, Multiperspectivity, Scholarship, Lesson plans, Digitilisation, Workshops, Webinars

International Organisation Resource

Contribution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization : Durban Review Conference, Preparatory Committee, 3rd substantive session

UNESCO   •   2009

Individual Resource
United Nations, UNESCO, racism, anti-discrimination, slave trade, history teaching, memory, memorialisation, history textbooks

International Organisation Resource

Crossroads of European histories. Multiple outlooks on five key moments in the history of Europe

Robert Stradling (ed.)   •   Council of Europe   •   2009

Individual Resource
Balkan wars 1912/1913, 1848, 1945, 1989, 1911

International Organisation Resource

Curriculum Development and Review for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education

Felisa Tibbits   •   UNESCO, Council of Europe, OSCE-ODIHR, Organisation of American States   •   2015

Individual Resource
Democratic Citizenship Education, Human Rights Education

International Organisation Resource

Developing a culture of co-operation when teaching and learning history

Council of Europe   •   Council of Europe   •   2016

Individual Resource
cultural diversity, multiperspectivity, stereotypes, prejudices, reconciliation, historical understanding, historical skills, open-mindedness, historical empathy, emotional intelligence, mutual respect, attitudes, values, gender

Learning Materials for Teachers

East Asia at War: Mobilization, Women, Refugees and Mobility – Sourcebook

EuroClio & Northeast Asian History Foundation

Individual Resource
Historical sources, Source analysis, Gender history, Migration history, Refugee history, Conflict resolution

International Organisation Resource

Education 2030: Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

UNESCO et al.   •   2016

Individual Resource
United Nations, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, Worldbank, UNHCR, UNWOMEN, UNDP, ILO, Education 2030

International Organisation Resource


Council of Europe   •   Council of Europe   •   2006

Individual Resource
Council of Europe, History Teaching, International Cooperation

Historical Sources Regarding History Education

GEI Digital - The Digital Textbook Library

Leibniz Institute for Educational Media / Georg-Eckert-Institute

Historical textbooks, Leibniz Institute for Educational Media, Georg Eckert Institute

Governmental Resources

GEI-DZS – Database of Approved Textbooks

Leibniz Institute for Educational Media / Georg-Eckert-Institute

Geography, History, Textbook, Social Studies, Politics

Governmental Resources


Leibniz Institute for Educational Media / Georg Eckert Institute

Textbook database

International Organisation Resource

Histoires partagées pour une Europe sans clivages

Council of Europe   •   Council of Europe   •   2014

Individual Resource
dossier pédagogique, multiperspectivité, empathie historique, sources historiques, éducation, droits de l'homme, histoire de l'art, révolution industrielle, colonisation, guerre mondiale, musée, sites historiques, communisme

International Organisation Resource

History teaching in schools in the North Caucasus. Seminar report

Lyudmila Aleksashkina   •   Council of Europe   •   2003

Individual Resource
social history, cultural history, North Caucasus, multiperspectivity, Council of Europe, European Commission, reconciliation, democratic culture, democratic stability

International Organisation Resource

History Teaching Materials on 1992- 1995 in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Building Trust or Deepening Divides?

Heike Karge   •   Organisation for Security and Co operation in Europe (OSCE)   •   2023

Individual Resource
Balkans, history teaching materials, monumental history, critical history, peace education, conflict, war, genocide, Bosna i Hercegovina, OSCE, Босна и Херцеговина, Srebrenica, Sarajevo, Bosnian war

Learning Materials for Teachers

How to Introduce Gender in History Teaching

Association for Historical Dialogue and Research   •   2015

Individual Resource
gender, gender history, women's history, worksheets, equality, gender equality, social history, teaching materials, lesson plans

International Organisation Resource

IHRA Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust

International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)   •   International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)   •   2019

Individual Resource
Holocaust, Remembrance, Anti-Semitism, Nazi Germany, Nazism, Facism, Jews, Recommendations, International Organisations, IHRA, Porajmos, Roma, Anti-Ziganism, genocide

International Organisation Resource

Interactive Methods for Promoting Intercultural Dialogue in Teaching and Learning History. Nicosia (Cyprus) 1-2 December 2006.

Effie Ioannou & Mustafa Tuncbilek   •   Council of Europe   •   2006

Individual Resource
Intercultural dialogue, Sensitive histories, Conflicts, Cyprus, Council of Europe

International Organisation Resource

La musique dans le système concentrationaire nazi. Manuel pédagogique pour les enseignants

Forum Voix Etouffées-CEMUT, Conseil de l'Europe   •   Council of Europe   •   2013

Individual Resource
Mémoire, art, Shoah, Auschwitz-Birkenau, musique, Theresienstadt, concentration camps, Konzentrationslager, KZ